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How to Edit Flight Data

Directory Structure

To make an edit to a flight data file, begin by going to the directory in which the flight data file would be in. For example IMPACTS 2022 flight data is in /nas/und/NorthEast/2022/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/FlightData. Each flight has its own directory in the Flight Data directory. For example /nas/und/NorthEast/2022/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/FlightData/20220117_080140. In each flight's directory there will be a PostProcessing directory. This directory will have data from the M300. Instruments that use the M300 to collect data will be displayed in there.

Typical Files for Edits

When editing flight files for an instrument, you want to make the edits at the base file, know as the .raw file.

Instrument Name of File for Edits
King *.analog.raw
WCM *.seriald1.wcm.raw
WCM 3000 *.seriald1.wcm3000.raw
RICE *.serial.icingMS.raw
CDP *.conc.cdp.raw
atmos/citation/cals/editing/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/21 19:54 by