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Clifford Hall 601 Online Lab Book

Latest information is given at the top. Times and dates are UTC.

2021/04/19 23:18:20 David Delene: Moved the Gill Sonic Wind Sensor from Windows 10 computer to Raspberry Pi 4 and used python code to save and upload data.

2021/01/10 18:18:20 David Delene: Used in PowerShell the following “(get-date) - (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime” tod determine computer rebooted two days ago. Tried to turn off using configuration at Started Winds system.

2019/03/11 10:35:14 David Delene: The wind data stopped over night on March 10th. Power reset caused the program to not respond, software was restarted.

2019/02/27 12:11:55 - David Delene: The wind data stopped at Feb 13. Power reset cause program to not respond. Restarted software.

2019/01/23 12:11:00 - David Delene: The wind data stopped at 14:43 on January 22. Q return no effect. Reset software no effect, would not connect. Cycled power.

2019/01/20 21:29:00 - David Delene: Q return to get out of configuration mode did not help. Swapped out the sensing head unit (Roof) for the lab version (Lab) to see if the lock-up continues with this sensing head.

2019/01/16 14:31:00 - David Delene: The system lock up at 11:51 on January 12. Emailed Gill to see get key press to get out of configuration mode in case that the problem. Found out the keys is typing Q followed by carriage return.

2019/01/02 13:13:44 - David Delene: Reset power, started receiving data without restarting software. Will work on ordering ezOutlet2 - Internet Enabled IP Remote Power Switch with Reboot so scripts can reset the power when not getting data.

2019/01/01 23:38:04 - David Delene: Noticed that winds are not updating. Last wind data file was on 2018/12/31 at 14:20. Reset software but can't get connection.

2018/12/27 03:38:00 - David Delene: Noticed that winds are not updating. Last wind data file was on 2018/12/24 at 07:03. Reset software but can't get connection.

2018/12/21 14:31:00 - David Delene: Noticed that the WindView software was not updating since yesterday. Wind data stopped at 08:54 on December 20, 2015. Tried to stop logging the data and the Windview software. Could not get data. Had to cycle power on the Anemometer.

2018/12/13 13:56:00 - David Delene: Noticed that the WindView software was not updating since yesterday. Tried to stop logging the data and the Windview software gave 'Not Responding'. Had to cycle power on the Anemometer.

2018/12/03 22:15:00 - David Delene: Reset the Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer software and had to cycle power on Anemometer.

2018/11/13 22:15:00 - David Delene: Reconnected the cable to the Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer and wire-tie cable down.

2018/03/13 18:15:00 - David Delene: Reset the Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer software and had to cycle power on Anemometer.


atmos/ch601/onlinech601labbook.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/19 13:59 by