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06 July 2022 Ozonesonde Launch

Ozonesonde balloon launch was successful, however there was likely a malfunctioning radiosonde internal battery. Battery voltage starting at a typical 5V dropped significantly after 10km, eventually dropping below 2V and cutting out completely at 21.3km.

Chase team began following the sonde (with minisonde attached) right after launch. Minisonde lost radio contact shortly after reaching 5km altitude. After reaching Red Lake Falls, MN, the ozonesonde signal cut and never came back. Minisonde signal came back and chase team received data packets while the sondes were descending. Minisonde gave a predicted landing location in Garden Township, MN. Balloon package was never found by chase team.

atmos/ballooing/2022_07_06.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/08 15:44 by