Table of Contents
Lufft R2S (Radar Rain Sensor)
- Dimensions: (diameter x length) 90mm x 220mm
- Weight: approximately 4.5 kilograms
- Black aluminum sensor housing
- Heated plastic dome
- Easy installation
- Maintenance free precipitation sensor
- Differentiation between rain / snow
- Determination of quantity (1mm, 0.1mm, 0.01mm)
- Interface: RS485 and 2 digital outputs
- Can be configured for replacing tipping bucket systems
Storage and Operating Conditions
- Storage temperature: -40°C to +70°C
- Relative humidity: 0 to 100% RH
- Operating temperature: -40°C to +60°C
- Relative humidity: 0 to 100% RH
Installation Procedures
- There is an 8-pole screw-in connector on the underside of the device.
- This serves to connect the power supply and the interfaces using the associated connection cable.
- 1 negative power supply
- 2 positive power supply
- 3 RS485_A
- 4 RS485_B
- 5 not assigned
- 6 Uout1
- 7 GND reference potential for the digital outputs
- 8 Uout2
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bit: 1
- Parity: none
- Settable baud rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 57600
- 19200 is factory setting and baud rate for firmware update
Electrical Data
- Power supply: 20 to 30 VDC; typically 24 VDC
- Power consumption: < 100 mA (heating off)
- Heating duty 30VA
- Protection class: III (SELV)
Digital Outputs
- The Uout1 and Uout2 digital outputs are short-circuit proof high side switches (12V) with integrated pull-down resistors.
- Possible configurations for Uout1 are:
- Tipping bucket simulation with 1mm, 0.1mm, or .01mm resolution
- Length of the output pulse for this simulation is typically 50 milliseconds
- Type of precipitation is transmitted on output Uout2 in the form of different frequencies.
Precipitation Type | Frequency/Hz |
Dry | 0 |
Rain | 10 |
Snow | 20 |
Sleet | 30 |
Freezing Rain | 40 |
Hail | 50 |
- If accumulated precipitation quantity is greater than 0.01mm, the frequency signal is transmitted for 2 minutes.
- The output of the frequency signal is maintained if a precipitation quantity greater than or equal to 0.01mm is measured within 2 minutes.
- Factory setting
- Device ID: 1
- Baud rate: 19200
- RS485 protocol: binary
- ID must be changed if several R2S devices are operated in a UMB network.
- Drizzle detection:
- When activated, measurement takes place with greater sensitivity.
- Identifies water droplets with a diameter of 0.3mm.
- The only disadvantage is that the high sensitivity may cause a slightly higher water quantity to be measured.
- Hail detection:
- If hail detection is activated, the side shield must be installed in all cases.
- The measurement signal reacts to movements (e.g. trucks) of up to 72 km/h
- Movements are interpreted as precipitation.
- Since the fall speed is identical, very large water droplets may be interpreted as small hail
- Evaporation per day:
- Simulate the natural evaporation of a tipping bucket
- A defined value is deducted from the rainfall quantity every minute.
- This is set at 0.24mm per day in the delivered condition.
- Rainfall, Snowfall, and Hail correction factor:
- The water quantity is assessed with this factor.
- The three particle types (rain, snow and hail) are added together and the precipitation type is assessed every minute.
- Requests 1-4 are carried out.
- They only take place if previous conditions are unfulfilled.
- The factors cannot be changed.
1) Number of hail particles per minute > 40% (Hail factor)
- Precipitation type = Hail
2) Number of rain particles > 90% (Freezing Rain factor) and ambient temperature ⇐ 0°C
- Precipitation type = Freezing rain
3) Number of rain particles >20 % (Sleet factor) and ambient temperature in the range from –5°C to 4°C:
- Precipitation type = Sleet
4) Number of rain particles > 50% (Rain factor) :
- Precipitation type = Rain
If none of the 4 conditions is met but particles were measured, the precipitation type is snow.
- Adjustment values:
- The range of the rain sensor measurement spectrum is from 130Hz (drizzle) to 1600 Hz (heavy rain).
- This range is divided into 23 zones, which can be individually corrected with factors from 0.1 to 10.
- Doppler radars measure velocity by estimating the frequency-shift produced by an ensemble of moving targets.
- Doppler radars also provide information about the total power returned and about the spectrum width of the precipitation particles within the pulse volume.
- The reflected signal is the result of the energy from the transmitted pulse interacting with precipitation (snow, ice pellets, hail, and rain) particles.
- A small portion of the power is then returned to the radar and analyzed to determine an estimate of the rain or snow rate.
- The relationship between the size and power return is highly non-linear.
- An example is a very small, spherical drop.
- If you double the size of a the drop, you increase the reflected power return by a factor of 64.
- If you triple the size of the drop, you increase the reflected power return by a factor of 729.
- Polarimetric radars are designed to eliminate this problem.
Precipitation Rates
- Example of two scenarios with identical rain rates:
- Rain water concentrated in a very small number of large drops.
- Rain water concentrated in a very large number of small drops.
- Reflected power returned to the radar is heavily weighted towards the largest drops.
- If only using the returned power to estimate rain rate, you might end up with either a significant overestimation or a significant underestimation of the rain rate.
- Radar power returned from irregular shaped mixtures of precipitation types can get quite complicated.
- The rainfall rate (R) is a product of the mass content and the fall velocity in a radar volume.
- Precipitation rate depends on particle size distributions.
- The natural variability in drop-size distributions is an important source of uncertainty in radar measurements of precipitation.
- Precipitation is usually measured by using the Z-R relation:
- Z = ARb
- A and b are constants.
- This relationship is not unique.
- Many empirical relations have been developed.
- Typical values for the index and exponent are A = 200, b = 1.60
Radar Equation
- Pr = (C |K|2 Z)/r2
- |K|2 is the refractive index factor of the target
- r is the slant range from the radar to the target (meters)
- Z is the radar reflectivity factor (usually taken as the equivalent reflectivity factor Ze when the target characteristics are not well known), in mm6 m-3.
- C is the radar constant.
- Attenuation by hydrometeors can result from both absorption and scattering.
- It is dependent on the shape, size, number and composition of the particles.
- Attenuation is dependent on wavelength.
- At 10 cm wavelengths, the attenuation is rather small while at 3 cm it is quite significant.
- Wavelengths below 5 cm are not recommended for good precipitation measurement except for short-range applications.
- The attenuation is dependent on water mass of the target.
- Ice particles attenuate much less than liquid particles.
- Snow or ice particles (or a hailstone) can grow to a size much larger than a raindrop.
Radar Wavelength
Band | Frequency | Wavelength |
UHF | 300-1000 MHz | 1-0.3 m |
L | 1-2 GHz | 30-15 cm |
S | 2-4 GHz | 15-8 cm |
C | 4-8 GHz | 8-4 cm |
X | 8-12 GHz | 4-2.5 cm |
K | 18-27 GHz | 1.2 – 0.75 cm |
- The larger the wavelength, the greater the cost of the radar system.
- This is due both to an increase in the amount of material and to the difficulty in meeting tolerances over a greater size.
- Bands of weather radar interest include S, C, X and K.
- The sensitivity or ability of the radar to detect a target is strongly dependent on the wavelength.
- For the same antenna, the target detectability increases with decreasing wavelength.
- The shorter wavelengths provide better sensitivity.
- The disadvantage is that the smaller wavelengths have much larger attenuation.
Field Work
- The Surface Transportation Weather Research Center (STWRC), along with the North Dakota Department of Transportation, established the STWRC Road Weather Field Research Facility (RWFRF) in late 2006.
- The purpose of this site is to understand better the physics associated with the interactions between the atmosphere and the roadway.
- All observations are presented in 1-minute intervals.
- Evaluates the performance of the precipitation sensor.
- Provides monitoring of precipitation events.
- Road Weather Field Research Topics Online:
- Overview of the facility
- Field Site Data
- 24 hour Observations
- Pavement Condition Model Validation
- Lufft R2S Observed Precipitation
- RWFRF Camera Images
- Service and maintenance is carried out by a trained specialist.
- The recommended service interval is 12 months.
- The device must be disconnected from the power supply.
- Estimated cost for Lufft R2S system:
- $3000-4000
- The device is calibrated in the factory.
- The recommended calibration interval is 24 months.
- An onsite calibration service is available on enquiry.
- Testing of the signal processor with known artificially generated signals.
- Doppler calibration includes verification and adjustment of phase stability using fixed targets or artificial signals.
- The presence or absence of echoes from fixed ground targets may also serve as a crude check of transmitter or receiver performance.
- Lufft R2S Precipitation Sensor Manual. 2006.
- RADAR for Meteorologists. Rhinehart. 2004.
- Surface Transportation Weather Research Center. 2008.
atmos/535/projects/lufft_r2s_precipitation_sensor.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by