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3D-Printed Automatic Weather Station (3D PAWS)


Current Stations

Hardware 3D-PAWS

  • There is no drop ceiling clamp available.
  • Sensor Sub-Assembly 4 is confusing, Need to put male jumper on female to make male-to-male.
  • The small square magnetic comes with the sensor.
  • Current printer filament: Overture PLA 1.75mm
  • Current Printer: Huafast HS
  • Current Printer Location: Clifford 601
  • Current slicer: Ultimaker Cura

Software - SD Cards

  • Command to write image to SD card on Linux, where /dev/mmcblk0 is the device of the card on the system.
    • sudo dd if=./3dpaws_pi.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
  • Command to read image SD card on Linux, where /dev/mmcblk0 is the device of the card on the system.
    • sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./3dpaws_pi.img
  • Label the SD Cards with Current Station serial number and software date
    • Example: UND# # # # # & YYYYMMDD (no spaces between #'s)

Software - Rassberry Pi Configuration

  • Within terminal navigate to find Host Name
    • cd /etc
    • sudo vi hostname
    • Host name will be 3D-PAWS serial number and software date
      • Example: UND# # # # #-YYYYMMDD (no spaces between #'s)
    • To save enter → :w
    • Then hit enter and save as usual
  • Navigate to Hosts to set the IP address
    • cd /etc
    • sudo vi hosts
    • Hosts is localhost IP address
  • Communicate with 3D-PAWS by installing TeamViewer software
    • Rename “Your Display Name”
      • Name will be: UND# # # # #-YYYYMMDD
    • Assign to Account: for now we are using David Delene's account
    • Security
      • Change Password to our standard password: sudo su; passwd pi
    • ID Number: enter into GoogleDocs

Software - Raspberry Pi Setup

  • To setup/change software for new stations:
    • On the Desktop, click the 3D-PAWS icon
    • Settings
    • CHORDS menu
    • Set 3D-PAWS ID to the correct number
      • Found on CHORDS site
    • Set web address
      • Replace with CHORDS IP address
        • Example: #.# #.# #.# (no spaces between #'s)

Tar File

Current Problems and Possible Solutions

High winds on roof blow over rain gauge cement PVC fitting connection in place, more leg supports?
Internet connectivity Run a Ethernet cable out from room 601 to roof

Digital Key Numbers

Sensor (Honeywell SS451A bipolar Hall Effects) DIGI-Key P/N 480-3587-ND
Capacitor (0.1 microfarad) DIGI-Key P/N 399-4454-1-ND
1K ohm Resistor DIGI-Key P/N 1.00KXBK-ND
360 Deg Rotary Sensor DIGI-Key P/N 55300-00-02-A
Analog to Digital IC DIGI-Key P/N C410C104M5U5TA7200
BMP280 Pressure & Altitude Sensor
HTU21D-F Temperature & Humidity Sensor
MCP9808 I2C Temperature Sensor
SI1145 Digital UV Index/IR/Visible Light Sensor


atmos/3d-paws/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/03 20:59 by