This page will guide you through what each of the items in adapt.input namelist mean

Ignore the lines above this first point

0000_3600 run name
RAMPUP if restart, this is previous run name
0000. if restart, this is time from which to restart
1 ngrds, total number of grids to be output
1 list of grids to be output (analysis grid is grid 0)
an.param anfile, analysis grid parameter file
f symm_out, output logical - write southern half of domain
f separate, output logical - write output times to separate files
f set_times, output logical - specify output times (in timefile below)
out.times timefile, output time file
00 nz_out, num vertical levels (for w) in output (zero: all levels)
f verbose1, output logical - grid location, size, etc...
f verbose2, output logical - grid variable information
f verbose3, output logical - io information
f verbose4, output logical - storage information
f verbose5, output logical - solver diagnostics
f verbose6, output logical - random information
t rdump, logical - dump data for later restart at end
t rstart, logical - restart from previous data
0. stup_time; time for velocity startup (zero: no startup)
0. stup_ampu; magnitude of velocity startup, u component
0. stup_ampv; magnitude of velocity startup, v component
3. stup_ampT; magnitude of temperature startup (bubble 1)
t grdsrt, logical - regrid at start
t plotinit, logical - output coarse grid fields at start time
t rdbdpts, logical - read new grid position at start
f resetcon, logical - reset constants at start time
changes.lst resetcon file; must include, only used of resetcon is true
98,98,77 nx,ny,nz; nodes on coarse grid, used if rstart is false
0000. start time; in the same units as the timestep (s)
3600. stop time; stop-start should be multiple of coarse grid step
60. output type 1 interval (min/max values of fields)
0. output type 2 interval (restart dump)
300. output type 3 interval (IVE integration grid dump(s))
000. output type 4 interval (IVE analysis grid dump)
000. anstart; time of first analysis grid dump
000. anstop; time of last analysis grid dump
1 mxnest; number of grid levels
1 levfix; level above which to regrid at start
3 intrat; spatial refinement ratio
3 intratt; temporal refinement ratio
10000 kcheck; number of steps between regridding, not used
2 iorder; order of method, not used
0.5 tol; tolerance for error, not used
0.5 cut; regridding parameter, not used
1.0 relcut; regridding parameter, not used
3.0 cdist; regridding parameter, not used
2.0 bzone; regridding parameter, not used
1000. hxposs(1); dx on coarse grid
1000. hyposs(1); dy on coarse grid
3. possk(1); dt on coarse grid
0 Num new grids, level 2 (params below in coarse grid intervals)
16.,16.,16.,16.,0.,1 xcen,ycen,xlen,ylen,alpha,two-way(1) or one-way(0)
0 Num new grids, level 3
52.,73.,14.,36.,0.,1 xcen,ycen,xlen,ylen,alpha,two-way(1) or one-way(0)