This page will guide you through what each of the parts of the 3d.params namelist covers

0000.0 start time
'sounding' prefix name for sounding input and init output
98 98 77 nx,ny,nz; num nodes on coarse grid
3. 4 dt,ns; coarse grid step and num small steps
7.67 -1.75 um,vm; mean wind
0 0 0 bcx,bcy,bcz; bndry cond'n flags--see description below
1 upper-radiation BC on (1) or off (0)
9000. 36000. 72000. wavlen's (m) of true KDB radiation

0 flag for 2D run (if set, use ny=5 and bcy=-1)

0.0 0.0 gx0,gy0; coordinates of the SW corner of grid
1000. 1000. dx,dy; coarse grid spacing
250. 0 dz, stretching flag (on (1) or off (0));if on, read stretch.dat
0 terrain type--see description below
10000. 10000. 1000. x_scale,y_scale,z_scale; terrain parameters
10000. 10000. 00000. x_scale2,y_scale2,y_len; terrain parameters

90000. 90000. 0. x_0,y_0,z_0; terrain parameters

1 0 num bubbles and perturb'n theta; bubble params below
35000. 30000. 1500. 9000. 9000. 1500. xpos,ypos,zpos,xrad,yrad,zrad
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 inflow bc for scalar (0); not used
200.0 max sound speed (cs < 0 => base state)
0 compressible Boussinesq (1) or fully compressible (0)
0 Boussinesq hydrostatic (1) or non-hydrostatic (0)
-1 displacements (0) or Boussinesq vorticity (1) or nothing (-1)
0.0e-4 Coriolis parameter
0 noise on (1) or off (0)
0.e-4 anoise; noise amplitude (fraction of reference theta)
0. cnoise; cutoff length for noise spectrum (in grid units)
0. tnoise; time at which noise is added
1 sub-gridscale mixing on (1) or off (0)
00. alowk0; vertical background damping
-1. ahighk; vertical background damping
0.21 Cm (0.21); mixing coeff
3.0 1/Pr (1.5 or 3.); inverse Prandtl num
0.20 f4damp (f4damp * .0625/(2*dt) is actual model coefficient)
95500. rayleigh damper initial hgt
.000 rayleigh damper tau
0.2 vertical implicit coef (0 to 1)
0.15 asselin time filter
0.00 non-dim divergent damper coeff (0.0)

3.0e-3 drag coeff for velocity

3.0e-3 drag coeff for heat
2.1e-3 drag coeff for moisture
30.0 outflow gravity wave speed
These next several lines are descriptors of previous flags

BCX,BCY: 0 → outflow conditions

       1 -> nested grid
      -1 -> periodic
      -2 -> symmetry conditions at 0 and L
      -3 -> symmetry conditions at 0, outflow at L
      -4 -> outflow conditions at 0, symmetry at L

BCZ : 0 → freeslip

       1 -> surface layer (not implemented)

terrain_type: 0 → no terrain;

            1 -> hat in x, h = h(x)
            2 -> hat in y  h = h(y)
            3 -> x,y hat   h = h(x,y)
            4 -> cos^4 hat in x,y  h = h(x,y)
                   elongated in y
                   separate upstream/downstream x scales