Table of Contents

MET Tools info/notes

METv3.0 Users Guide Online Tutorial

If editting the Point-Stat, Grid-Stat, or MODE Config File (might be applicable to other config files) and using GRIB instead of netcdf, use the “VALUE” or “ABBREV.” for desired Parameter using this Table*. For config Files that need message types, a list of message types and their descriptions are found here (Use the Field 'MNEMONIC' for the message type).

Defaults of all Configuration files are found in directory:


Data Reformation and Preperation Tools

Note: Can be used as a GRIB to Netcdf format converter. If one file is passed instead of two or more, it will convert the file into netcdf.

Note: File should contain 10 Columns per line (per observation point), in this format:

Column     Name               Format
1          Message_type       Text String
2          Station_ID         5 Digits, doesn't have to be correct (Digits, not Text String like manual states)
3          Valid_Time         YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
4          Lat                Degrees North of observing location
5          Lon                Degrees East of observing location
6          Elevation          Elevation (in msl) of observing location
7          Grib_code          Integer grib code value corresponding to observation (Table* above)
8          Level              Pressure Level (in hPa) or accumulation interval in hours
9          Height             Height (in msl) of observation value
10         Observation_value  Observation value in units matching the grib_code units (found in Table* above)

Note: If passing in multiple files to the command line, it may be more convenient to pass an ASCII file containing the names of the ensemble files instead. Note 2: Derives several summary fields such as ensemble mean, spread relative frequencies, etc. Results may be verified by the statiscial verification tools below or my the Ensemble-Stat Tool again (see below).

Statistical Verification Tools

Note: May be used to verify the ensemble directly by comparing it to gridded and/or point observation.

Aggregation and Analysis Tools

Note: Can specify directory with STAT files instead of multiple files.

Note: Can specify directory with MODE files instead of multiple files.