Melbourne, Florida Radar Setup

OBJECTIVE: Use Lrose-setup to display data from the Melbourne, Florida National Weather Service radar (KMLB). The use of KMLB radara data is related to the CAPE2015 and CapeEx19 projects.

DATA SET: August 1, 2015 at 71,154 - 72,839 sfm UTC.

Directory Setup

In your home directory ($HOME), remove exiting symbolic link and set new one.

rm ~/projDir
ln -s /nas/und/Florida/2015/Radar/projDir.kmlb projDir
ln -s /nas/und/Florida/2015/Radar/projDir.kmlb projDir.kmlb

System Variable Setup

The params files use a lot of system variables that are set in the project_info.kmlb file. To set system variables, source the project_info file.

source projDir.kmlb/system/params/project_info.kmlb

Convert Data Files

RadxConvert -f projDir.kmlb/data/raw/radar/Melbourne/20150801/* -params ~/projDir.kmlb/ingest/params/RadxConvert.nexrad

The above command creates new data files in “$(DATA_DIR)/cfradial/$(radar_name)”, for example ~/projDir.kmlb/data/cfradial/kmlb/20150801. Should check this directory after running the command to make sure new (check file time stamp) files are created.

Radx2Grid -params ~/projDir.kmlb/ingest/params/Radx2Grid.nexrad -f ~/projDir.kmlb/data/cfradial/kmlb/20150801/

For the above command, make sure params file has mode set to “FILELIST”. The commands creates file, ~/projDir.kmlb/data/mdv/radarCart/kmlb/20150801/

View Data

Rview -time "2015 08 01 21 17 55" -params projDir.kmlb/display/params/Rview.archive

The above should display files created by Radx2Grid. Below are other file examples.

Rview -time "2015 08 02 00 03 18" -params projDir.kmlb/display/params/Rview.archive
Rview -time "2019 09 03 23 56 03" -params projDir.kmlb/display/params/Rview.archive