September 4, 2009 IT Committee Meeting

A Department of Atmospheric Sciences Information Technology (IT) committee meeting was held in Clifford Hall 410 starting at 2:30 on September 4, 2009. The following people attented the meeting: David Delene, Gretchen Mullendore, Mark Askelson, and John Nordlie.

Recent Outstanding IT issues

Steps to Improved Communications with SCC

* Set policy on purchases of equipment attached to Atmospheric Sciences network. IT committee suggests to the faculty that a policy whereby all new equipment that will be on the Atmospheric Sciences network has to use the following procedure.

  1. All members of the IT committee (David, Gretchen, Mark) need to be informed on details of what the equipment is and where it will be located before the equipment is purchased.
  2. SCC has to approve the equipment and how it will be managed before being purchased.

Additional personnel to provide IT support

* The IT committee will gather information and document the need for additional IT support.

IT Support for Atmospheric Sciences graduate students (not working with RWIC) in Odegard Hall

Involvement in UND Core Technology Services Campus Forums