Table of Contents

GlacialRidge1&2 Data Handling

NOAA Wind Profiler

The wind profiler data is saved in the shared folder C:/GR_DATA/915/ on the GlacialRidge2 field site computer ( MatLab scripts are run every hour to process the data and make images. The scrips and images are located in C:/profiler on the GlacialRidge2 field site computer. This process was first set up on the GlacialRidge1 computer in CH422, but was later moved to GlacialRidge2 field site computer for faster data processing and handling.

Surface Observations

The surface observations from data logger 101 (temperature, presure, wind speed and direction, dew point, rain accumulation, snow depth) are gathered by the GlacialRidge2 field computer using a Logger_Net software. The data is then transfered to the GlacialRidge1 computer in CH422 for plotting. The images are then able to be linked to the GRAO webpage under the “weather” header link. The logger data is stored in the C:\GR_DATA\SFC_MET\GR_SFCMET_1.dat file. This file has to be copied to C:\GR_DATA\SFC_MET\GR_SFCMET_monthly_data\ at the end of every month and given a unique name following the naming convention from other files with in the directory. The data within the original file must be emptied (do not just delete the file…the file with the current name, UGR_SFCMET_1.dat, must remain in the directory so the scripts can open and append data too).

The Logger_Net software on GlacialRidge2 must be up and running in order for the data to be transfered back to GlacialRidge1 for plotting.