Table of Contents

Qnx4 Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine Access

Through Radar2

  1. Log on to Radar2 using a local account
  2. On the menu bar, go to 'Applications', then 'System Tools', then 'Vmware Server Console'
  3. Click 'Local Host' and then 'Connect'
  4. Click on 'Qnx' on the left-hand panel and then 'Power on this virtual machine'

Through Remote Access

  1. Open Vmware server on local machine
  2. Click 'Connect on Remote Host'
  3. Enter '' into hostname
  4. When Vmware window has come up, click on 'Qnx' and then the 'Start' Button


virtual machine can access it.

Accessing /dos/d drive through Radar2

  1. Make sure Qnx virtual machine is completely powered down
  2. In a terminal window, go to /usr/local/bin
  3. Run the mount_fat script
    • this will mount the /Fat32_2GB (/dos/d) drive
    • Data is stored in /Fat32_2GB/PostProcessing

Accessing /dos/c drive through a laptop running Qnx virtual machine

  1. Make sure Qnx virtual machinge is running and the cursor (mouse) is located in the virtual machine.
  2. Insert the flash drive into the laptop.
  3. Click 'Yes' or 'OK' to all the pop-up windows.
  4. Make sure the flash drive was recognized and mounted into the virtual machine framework by looking in the lower right hand corner for the icon that is labeled with the name of the flash drive when the cursor is located over the icon.
  5. In a terminal window in Qnx, type 'flash' to mount the flash drive.
  6. If the terminal window does not say that the drive was mounted, reboot the Qnx virtual computer (but do not close out of the virtual machine framework).
  7. In a terminal window in Qnx, type 'flash' to mount the flash drive.
  8. To unmount, type 'flash' again.

M300 Playback

To run the M300 software

  1. Type 'm300' in the terminal window
  2. Hit the 'F1' button or click on the M300 control window
  3. Go to 'File' ⇒ 'Open'
  4. Find the data and hit 'Open'
    • There is some data from 2007 under the /dos/c drive
    • Files from 2010 are stored under the /dos/d drive (/dos/d/PostProcessing)