Currently can download ADPAA and the PBP_Viewer is in there. It doesn't have the function to call it from anywhere though. If you can't call anything at all when ADPAA is downloaded. Check the ADPAA wiki page (link will be here).

Another option is I will upload the PBP_Viewer to a google drive and store the the program plus a few sample files to download. This means you won't have to download ADPAA if you don't want to, and would probably be an easier to get started with the program.

The programs itself only works if * files produced by SODA, and * files altered using the PBP_Viewer program. Not tested for other file types, but if you have another file type thats in the 1D (super long array) particle by particle format, feel free to give it a try and hopefully it works. If you have any questions in the next two or three years (currently 2024) feel free to ask and I might be able to help update the program to work with the different pbp file.

Pictures will be included here.

  1. Circle 1: This is where the filters live. Selecting the dropdown menu allow you to select which filter you want to apply. (Currently has “time” and “diameter” filter.
  2. Circle 2: Where the particle is displayed. The image is scaled (x and y dimension-wise) and flipped upside down to match the images on the SODA buffers.
  3. Circle 3: Buttons to move backward “«”, exit the program “exit”, and move forward “»” through the particles.
  4. Circle 4: Contains the particle data. For the particle image on the screen, the matching particle data is presented. By using the dropdown menu's, you can select which particle characteristic you want to look at.
  5. Circle 5: This is where the particle sorter is. When opened, it allows you to categorize particles.

  1. Circle 1: Dropdown menu to select which time filter you want to use. This image shows the time filter.
  2. Circle 2:
    1. Using the bottom entry box and button labeled “HHMMSS to Sec”, you can input a time in HHMMSS and convert it to seconds past midnight. It will run over 24:00:00. This is because SODA files also run past midnight and don't reset. It will show the conversion right below the entry box.
    2. The top entry box uses the time provided to search through the pbp file and finds the first particle (that passes any other set filters) most closely matches the provided time.

  1. Circle 1: Showing the time filter in use.
  2. Circle 2: Whene the “search” button is selected, the program searches through the pbp file and finds the particle that most closely matches the provided time. In this case, the particle's time is 8 seconds after the provided time (87510 → 87518.05) since the HVPS encountered issues during the flight shown, and it was in the process of resetting at 87510.

  1. Circle 1: To use the diameter filter, use the dropdown menu to select “diam”. Enter the minimum diameter in micrometers (um) in the entry box. Diameter filter will be remembered if another filter is selected.
  2. Circle 2: Leading off of the particle at 87510 shown in the previous image, the diameter filter searched the pbp file for the next particle that met the requirement of 5000 um. The new particle is shown, and it's diameter is 5509.31 um. The program had to skip ahead by ~0.3 seconds to find this particle.

Troubleshooting section? A note to include when finishing this guide. Should just work on linux. windows has issue with opening files as r+ which allows edits to made to the file which is what happens with the sorter. Making a copy of the file and running the program with the copy seemed to fix that issue. Looked like both the original and copy files had write permissions so im not sure what exactly the problem was.