On board the T28 aircraft was a Hail Spectrometer and High Volume Particle Spectrometer (HVPS). Both probes output 2D data, and the Hail Spectrometer also output 1D data. The HVPS had an array of 256 diodes, the Hail Spectrometer had 126/64 diodes for 1D/2D data. If image elements were blocked above a certain threshold a particle(s) would be counted. The steps to use these counts to calculate particle concentration (#/m^4) are detailed below.

The counts generated from SODA are saved in a 14xn array where n is the number of x second intervals, where x can be specified when using the SODA gui. x is set to 5 seconds as a default in the gui, and is what has been used in the research so far. An example of these counts is shown below,

The time interval for 241846 - 241851 is shown. Note that the time intervals count up to 5 seconds forward from the start time. The counts from SODA are in the “SODA” row, and you'll notice that they are much larger than the DISP counts which are the 1D counts. Usually they're larger by factors of 5-10. This will be (partially) resolved later on.

To calculate concentration from counts, the basic forumla is,

  Conc (#/m^4) = Counts / (SA * Airspeed * Binsize change)


SODA includes extra variables in it's calculations. I can not explain why SODA includes these extra factors, but they are in there, and when included, the resulting concentration is agreeably close to the concentration calculated from the 1D counts. This is why the counts are “(partially) resolved.”

The new formula is,

  Conc (#/m^4) = (Counts * corr_fac) / (SA * Airspeed * Binsize change * activetime)

where for the Hail Spectrometer,

When you consider the counts being multiplied by the correction factor and divided by the active time, the 2D counts from SODA better match the 1D counts. In the image below, the 2D counts generated by SODA are much closer to the 1D counts from the DISP file. These “corrected counts” agree pretty well with the 1D counts.

With the counts from the first image plugged into the second formula, the resulting concentration is,

The SODA concentrations agree fairly well with the DISP concentrations.

Notes to self on information to include, mention, explore, etc,

to get rid of sec from airspeed, i like to think of it as counts per time interval. so 100 counts per 5 second interval would be 100/5s which gives the seconds on bottom to cancel out the seconds in the airspeed. 10 counts per 1 second likewise gives 10/1s. and all of this normalizes the concentration to one second, which is why the 5 second soda intervals and 1 second disp intervals produce the same looking numbers