Below, in the right column, are the probenames used in the command line call for SODA. Following the table are the specified methods used in the command line call.
Probe | ADPAA-SODA probe_type (Calling Initialized Structure) |
SPEC 2D-S | 2ds |
SPEC HVPS-3 | hvps |
DMT PIP | pip |
DMT CAPS-CIP | cipgs15 |
To process the synthetic data using the ADPAA wrapper for SODA, navigate into Probe_Processing_Init/ and run the program “”. This script is only set up to work with the present directory structure. Comments and some slightly more in depth details on using the wrapper are included as comments in the code. An example command to use the wrapper is ~/CoPAS/ADPAA/src/linkage_soda/initialize_structure/initialize_structure –verbose method='fastcircle' processingtype='allin' probetype='hvps' ../../Jeju_Cloud_Probe_Workshop_Simulations/base100101000000.HVPS_columns_v01 000000 000100 20100101 100
All steps currently operational can be run by executing “”. Some instructions on setting up “” are inside the code as comments.