Steps for Processing PBP Files:
1) Make sure ADPAA is up to date. To do so, find where your ADPAA directory is, change into the src directory, and type/run “svn update”
>>> cd ADPAA/src svn update
Once the update is done, change into the build directory and type/run “make”
>>> cd ADPAA/src/build make
2) To generate original pbp file (ASCII format), change directory to which ever flight you would like to process. Make sure you are within that flight directory. For example:
>>> cd /nas/und/Washington/2015/Aircraft/CitationII_N555DS/FlightData/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS/
where YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS is your selected event. Once you are inside of your selected flight directory run your process_all command. For example:
>>> process_all_olympex
3) The pbp file that was just created should now be in both the HVPS3_Data and HVPS3_Data_B directory. Change to one of these directories to view the pbp file.
4) To convert this pbp file into a pbp.raw version, run the following command in which ever of the directories that was selected in Step 3
>>>/usr/local/ADPAA/src/scripts_python/ YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_HVPS3.pbp
5) Once the pbp.raw file is created, the TAS will need to be merged in, as the TAS in the file already is incorrect, since it defaults to 100 m/s for the whole flight. To do this, the .basic file is needed, which is located within the PostProcessing directory of the selected flight.