Download Data from CLASS

1.) Download GOES visible satellite data (link:

2.) Must create an account! Use school email address.

3.) Data selection

4.) The data will then be processed and an email will be sent to you shortly with FTP instructions to download the data from their server.


5.) Open both the & in vim or any other coding interface of your liking.

6.) In the script you first must adjust the data directory path to where your test directory is located.

7.) Next, scroll down in the code (line 226-227) and adjust the lat/lon bounds of the data (IF you downloaded the full disk or CONUS scan sector).

8.) Insert one GOES file into the test directory (Note the start time of the GOES file)

9.) In the, adjust the date string to match the GOES file you're attempting to process.

10.) Run in terminal (python

11.) If it worked, you should see a figure saved in the directory where you ran the code from.