Table of Contents


The Particle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering probe (PHIPS) is a cloud imaging probe which uses two CCD cameras and a polar nephelometer to simultaneously take multiple particle images in conjunction with particle radiative properties. The probe was flown on the Citation II research aircraft during the CAPEX2019 field campaign in Florida during the summer of 2019.


PHIPS data can be found for all CAPEX2019 flights in

Data is in the form of images which are separated into one of two groups according to which CCD camera the image was taken by.

Habit Classification

Matlab software was developed by Dr. Emma Jarvinen ( and Dr. Martin Schnaiter ( to provide a simple method for classifying habits imaged by the PHIPS probe. A guide on using the software can be found at:

Examples of previously classified data supplied by Dr. Jarvinen and Dr. Schnaiter can be found in: