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Incorrect Test Images


Tests on September 1 and 2, 2010 confirmed that invalid test images are being produced by the HVPS.


Running BBs through the HVSP on ground tests produced images like the following.

This is a typical image of running a BB through the HVPS. It did not matter what area the BB was passed through the images was always the same. Strike-through Text

Trouble Shooting

The end element voltages are typically 1.0 (Upper) and 0.1 (Lower) and never better than 1.0 (Upper) and 0.4 (Lower) Tested with 30 ga solid core wire and larger wire. When probe connected using test cable, wire gives good images but when probe is in the PMS can the image are bad.

October 4, 2010 - Tested the HVPS connected with test cable and grounded to aircraft in different place. Probe produced good images, no matter where it was grounded.

October 5, 2010 - Tested the HVPS in the canister to verify it still has a grounding issue. Will try it out of the canister w/ the extension test cable to see if it will give the correct images.

October 6, 2010 - Tested the HVPS out of the canister w/ the extension test cable. Same issue - no images. Tried both the horizontal and vertical electrical connectors on the back of the canister also. Performed a continuity test on both to verify they are wired correctly.

October 7, 2010 - Tested the HVPS in the canister w/ the shielded groungs at the M300 and the data box to M300 cable. Same issues, no images.

