Table of Contents


M300 SEA 2D Card

The 2D-C require using a acquisition card within the M300 data system to acquire data. Each card uses a different card address. For example, UND owns two 2D cards, one with the address of 1700 and the other 1B00. Both of these card were tested on June 23, 2011 using the /test/2dc_und and test/2dc_und_1b00 tables.

The M300 board table need to be configured to use correct address of the card within the M300 that is connect to the 2D-C instrument. Furthermore, each board with in the M300 system has to be configured to use a different Direct memory access (DMA) number. Each board actually has two number to configure, DRQ (DMA request) and DACK (DMA acknowledge). These are set to the same number via a switch #1 on the 2DC board. SEA's web site provide documentation on how to configure the switch 1 on the board.

Spinning Disk Calibration

Problems and Solutions

Cleaning Prisms

ADPAA Data Processing

Date: June 15, 2006

The IDL 2-DC data processing was changed to fix probelm with having only every other bit processed. The problem was with the fact that during and after the MPACE project the 2-DC probe had a stuck bit in the “word” that represents the start of an image. Hence, none of the image were valid.

The fixed involved checking for 55000010 along with 55000000 in the subroutine.

Dave: June 16, 2006

The two processing data changed since the MPACE dataset was last processed in August 2005. The different is that in August 2005, the concentration output from the process_2d subroutine into the output_und subroutine was assumed to have units of #/cm^3 when in fact it was #/(cm^3*um). The processing was corrected to output two values, one having units of #/cm^3 and the other #(cm^3*um). Now the output_und subroutine uses the collect values.