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Saudi Arabia Winter 2007 - 2008

Flight Summary

Date Start Time End Time Duration Flight Profile Comments
29/11/2007 12:56:57 PM 1:15:01 PM 0:18:04 No profile conducted - instrument test flight
02/12/2007 11:29:47 AM 12:25:33 PM 0:55:46 No profile conducted - instrument test flight DMA & CCNC not yet installed, O3 analyzer shipped for repairs
04/12/2007 12:16:34 PM 1:35:27 PM 1:18:53 No profile conducted - instrument test flight O3 analyzer being shipped, CO analyzer analogue board problem, could not run. CCNC faulty
06/12/2007 9:22:06 AM 12:15:09 PM 2:53:03 Flight Plan 6 - To intercept cloudsat- cloud penetrations at 24 000ft Analyzer pump faulty, could not run. CCNC faulty
08/12/2007 8:08:50 AM 11:13:51 AM 3:05:01 Flight Plan 7 - To intercept calipso - aerosol profile to 15 000ft CCNC faulty
13/12/2007 9:28:34 AM 11:00:00 AM 1:31:26 No profile conducted - instrument test flight Test flight, required minimal equipment to be running to test engine shut off
15/12/2007 8:55:46 AM 11:27:55 AM 2:32:09 Flight Plan 7 - To intercept calipso - aerosol profile to 13 000ft
16/12/2007 10:42:26 AM 12:52:12 PM 2:09:46 Flight Plan 5 followed by Flight Plan 8 - profile to 20 000ft
21/12/2007 8:14:00 AM 11:59:00 AM 3:45:00 Flight Plan 3 - profile to 10 000ft - cloud penetration 6 500ft - 8 000ft - seeding aerosol profile flight with cloud penetration - all instruments good (O3 not yet installed)- warning on M300 system about time
31/12/2007 9:15:00 AM 11:09:00 AM 1:54:00 Flight Plan 7 - To intercept Calipso - aerosol profile to 14 400ft satellite overpass - all instruments good (O3 mounted but not connected)
06/01/2008 10:42:00 AM 12:14:00 PM 1:32:00 Flight Plan 4 - profile to 11 000ft PCASP counts showed bin 4 and bin 5 to be under- counting and over- counting respectively. O3 connected and running, yet noticeable noise observed in data. Rosemount temperature analyzer seems to be incorrect - test flight to be run to see if problem pers
08/01/2008 10:44:00 AM 11:55:00 AM 1:11:00 Flight Plan 4 - profile to 7 800ft PCASP still has problem with bins 4 and 5. requesting another PCASP to be flown in with the Lear jet to run a comparative analysis. Rosemount temperature analyzer is working fine.
09/01/2008 9:54:00 AM 11:25:00 AM 1:31:00 Flight Plan 7 - profile to 9 800ft
10/01/2008 8:05:00 AM 3:44:00 PM 7:39:00 Flight Plan 1 - seeding conducted - cloud penetrations Lightning strike - cut power for brief time. Instruments came back on. After flight testing concluded that CCN, 2DC and 2DP not working.
06/02/2008 11:53:34 AM 1:11:50 PM 1:18:16 Flight Plan 4 - profile to 9 600ft New PCASP used. Two FSSP's used with ranges on both at 3. CCN being repaired
07/02/2008 11:45:00 AM 5:26:06 PM 5:41:06 Flight Plan 3 - aersol profile 5 000 - 11 000ft below cloud base. C1 P1 at 10 500ft - Flight Plan 1 seeding from Ha'il M300 kept rebooting for no apparent reason. Total of 9 files created from Riyadh to Hail. No problems from Hail back to Riyadh. CCN still in repairs. Two FSSP still being used to get comparative data. AIMMS stopped working from 12:30 -14:36. The GPS stopped working from 12:54 to 13:54.
08/02/2008 12:13:16 PM 2:12:57 PM 1:59:41 Flight Plan 3 - did not proceed with cloud penetrations - aerosol profile to 8 000ft, below cloud base. Seeding No problems with the M300. Ranges of FSSP would not change. After flight the old FSSP was taken off and the NRL FSSP placed on the left wing. The 2DP put back on the right wing
10/02/2008 9:23:00 AM 10:59:27 AM 1:36:27 Flight Plan 7 - Calipso overpass - profile to 12 800ft All instruments working including the CCN. The M300 rebooted once, at the very end of the flight while the data was being saved.
17/02/2008 8:58:16 AM 11:13:54 AM 2:15:38 Flight Plan 7 - Calipso overpass - profile to 12 500ft All instruments in good working order
20/02/2008 9:19:31 AM 11:40:36 AM 2:21:05 Flight Plan 4 - Aerosol profile to 13 500ft. The O3 analyzer had no power as the new headphone system was being tested - it needed an analyzers power source. O3 was selected.
22/02/2008 10:41:07 AM 11:32:21 AM 0:51:14 Flight Plan 5 - pollution plume profile at 4000ft altitude The CO analyzer lost power half way through the flight - it was then disconnected for the remainder of the flight
26/02/2008 0:00:00 Flight Plan 6 - To intercept cloudsat No instruments worked - the aircraft inverter tripped so had to be replaced.
12/03/2008 11:34:21 AM 1:07:51 PM 1:33:30 Flight Plan 8 - Sounding Comparison flight to 20 000ft CO and O3 gas analyzers were not working as 2 of the inverters were removed for testing. 2DP waiting to be shipped for repairs
13/03/2008 7:45:53 AM 11:21:12 AM 3:35:19 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations CO and O3 gas analyzers were not working as 2 of the inverters were removed for testing. 2DP waiting to be shipped for repairs
13/03/2008 12:29:27 PM 3:36:01 PM 3:06:34 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations CO and O3 gas analyzers were not working as 2 of the inverters were removed for testing. 2DP waiting to be shipped for repairs
16/03/2008 9:03:26 AM 1:38:22 PM 4:34:56 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations All instruments in good working order - 2DP still waiting to be shipped for repairs
19/03/2008 7:16:12 AM 9:32:51 AM 2:16:39 Flight Plan 9 - Flare aerosol and airplane exhaust distributions All instruments in good working order
20/03/2008 9:23:26 AM 11:10:36 AM 1:47:10 Flight Plan 7 - Calipso overpass - profile to 15 000ft All instrument in good working order
29/03/2008 9:17:22 AM 11:30:52 AM 2:13:30 Flight Plan 7 - Calipso overpass - profile to 12 000ft All instrument in good working order - AIMMS in-air calibration at 18 000ft
03/04/2008 6:42:57 AM 8:57:07 AM 2:14:10 No set Flight Plan -Aerosol profile combined with maintainance - 16 000ft FSSP was not registering particle distribution - had good voltages. All other instruments were in good working condition
03/04/2008 11:11:28 AM 11:54:36 AM 0:43:08 No set Flight Plan -Aerosol profile combined with maintainance - 10 000ft All instruments in good working order - FSSP working
03/04/2008 2:13:17 PM 3:30:04 PM 1:16:47 All instruments in good working order
05/04/2008 6:57:36 AM 9:27:38 AM 2:30:02 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations All instruments in good working order
05/04/2008 12:52:31 PM 4:10:57 PM 3:18:26 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations All instruments in good working order
06/04/2008 7:09:13 AM 9:18:11 AM 2:08:58 New flight plan - transect aerosol characterization from Riyadh to Ha'il and back All instruments in good working order
06/04/2008 10:49:56 AM 1:08:29 PM 2:18:33 New flight plan - transect aerosol characterization from Riyadh to Ha'il and back All instruments in good working order
08/04/2008 6:35:17 AM 10:29:15 AM 3:53:58 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations All instruments in good working order
09/04/2008 6:51:43 AM 9:37:50 AM 2:46:07 Flight Plan 2 - Glaciogenic seeding All instruments in good working order
09/04/2008 11:30:53 AM 1:26:02 PM 1:55:09 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations All instruments in good working condition at start of flight. In-flight problems with CCN and DMA and 2DC
11/04/2008 3:57:13 PM 5:40:01 PM 1:42:48 Flight Plan 2 - Glaciogenic seeding CCNC, DMA and Impactor Samples faulty
14/04/2008 9:33:31 AM 10:57:24 AM 1:23:53 Flight Plan 7 - To intercept calipso - aerosol profile to 13 000ft Impactor Samples stopped when Rain 1 descended to 900ft AGL
17/04/2008 6:51:13 AM 9:09:30 AM 2:18:17 New flight plan - transect aerosol characterization from Riyadh to Ha'il and back DMA sheath flow did not work (post-flight inspection); All other instruments in good working order
17/04/2008 12:01:43 PM 2:14:20 PM 2:12:37 New flight plan - transect aerosol characterization from Riyadh to Ha'il and back DMA sheath flow did not work (post-flight inspection); All other instruments in good working order
27/04/2008 7:57:23 AM 10:21:47 AM 2:24:24 New flight plan - transect aerosol characterization from Riyadh to Ha'il The FSSP did not work during this flight
27/04/2008 11:33:34 AM 3:01:54 PM 3:28:20 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations All instruments in good working order
28/04/2008 10:57:23 AM 2:34:23 PM 3:37:00 Flight Plan 3 - Aerosol / cloud interactions and cloud penetrations FSSP did not work until 11:28:55. The DMA/CCN inverter did not work for the first 10 minutes of the flight. All other instruments were in good working condition
28/04/2008 3:30:53 PM 5:09:41 PM 1:38:48 Aerosol characterization from Gassim to Riyadh All instruments in good working order

Above Chart is an abbreviated version of the Full Flight Summary found here: highlevelflightsummary_saudi_0708.xls

Other Documents

Summary Explaining “Flight Plans” can be found here: sa2007-2008flightstrategies.pdf

Summary of Cloud Characteristics for all flights can be found here: cloudheights_saudi_winter0708.xls