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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Summer 2008

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Aircraft Log

Date Location Takeoff Time (GMT) Satellite Time of Overpass (GMT) Objectives achieved
06/12/1007 Riyadh 9:22:06 Cloudsat 10:32:31 Yes - Cloud Penetrations at 24000ft
08/12/2007 Riyadh 8:08:50 Calipso 10:20:31 Yes - aerosol profile to 15000ft
15/12/2007 Riyadh 8:55:46 Calipso 10:26:31 Yes - aerosol profile to 13000ft
31/12/2007 Riyadh 9:15:00 Calipso 10:27:30 Yes - aerosol profile to 14400ft
09/01/2008 Riyadh 9:54:00 Calipso 10:20:46 Yes - aerosol profile to 9800ft
10/02/2008 Riyadh 10:53:00 Calipso 10:20:54 Yes - aerosol profile to 12800ft
17/02/2008 Riyadh 8:58:16 Calipso 10:27:00 Yes - aerosol profile to 12500ft
20/03/2008 Riyadh 9:27:22 Calipso 10:26:52 Yes - aerosol profile to 15000ft
15/07/2008 Abha 10:13:20 Calipso 10:44:52 No - Rain 1 outside the swath at the time of the overpass; Cloudsat overpass initially dependant on cloud availability
31/07/2008 Abha 10:04:18 Calipso 10:44:00 Yes - aerosol profile to 12000ft; Cloudsat overpass initially dependant on cloud availability
09/08/2008 Abha 10:04:40 Cloudsat 10:39:30 Yes - Cloud Penetrations at 19600ft
18/08/2008 Abha 9:43:24 Calipso 10:33:00 Yes - aerosol profile to 11000ft; Cloudsat overpass initially ependant on cloud availability
25/08/2008 Abha 9:49:54 Cloudsat 10:39:00 No - No clearance onto the path; path located through a military restricted area
01/09/2008 Abha 10:17:16 Cloudsat 10:45:33 No - No clearance below 22000ft into the cloud due to traffic
10/09/2008 Abha 10:07:23 Cloudsat 10:39:31 Yes - Cloud Penetrations at 18500ft

Instrument Maintenance Log

Date Description
Chilled mirror dewpoint cleaned
2-Jun-08 Dewpoint Mirror calculation changed to 40 from 50
9-Jul-08 NRL FSSP installed in the 2DP pod
16-Jul-08 NRL and WMI FSSP's swopped around
22-Jul-08 Wyoming CCNC installed
23-Jul-08 NRL FSSP removed from Rain 1
24-Jul-08 NRL FSSP shipped to DMT
25-Jul-08 2DC end-elements cleaned
27-Jul-08 DMT CCN calibration
28-Jul-08 DMA/CCN inlets changed from forward-facing to backward facing
28-Jul-08 DMT CCN removed from the aircraft
31-Jul-08 New outlet for the CCN installed
5-Aug-08 DMA leak test flight
8-Aug-08 New AIMMS ADP installed; old one sent back to Aventech for calibration
11-Aug-08 DMT CCN installed on the aircraft; new pump installed on the DMT CCN; DMT CCN leak test flight
13-Aug-08 Wyoming CCNC cabin leak fixed
15-Aug-08 WMI FSSP, 2DC cleaned; AIMMS worked on
16-Aug-08 WMI FSSP aligned
22-Aug-08 2DC end-elements cleaned
25-Aug-08 Old AIMMS ADP installed - temperture problem is fixed
30-Aug-08 NCAR FSSP installed on the right wing in the 2DP pod; video camera installed inside the aircraft, DMA and DMT CCN calibration check
31-Aug-08 2DC end-elements cleaned
3-Sep-08 NCAR and WMI FSSP's swopped around; NCAR on left wing; WMI on right wing
7-Sep-08 All gas chemistry equipment removed from the aircraft
11-Sep-08 WMI & NCAR FSSP, 2DC, WYM CCNC, and PCASP removed from the aircraft