Table of Contents

POLCAST4 Surface/Lab Data Processing


CPC - Model 3771

Note that the time value in the output file is based on the computer system's time, not the acquisition system time. Hence, it is necessary to have the computer system to be on UTC time and not local time.

     Concentration, Analog Input, Count, Time Stamp, Extension: (*.txt), Comma

convert_cpc3771tonasa file=<filename>

CPC - Model 3775

Note that the time value in the output file is based on the computer system's time, not the acquisition system time. Hence, it is necessary to have the computer system to be on UTC time and not local time.

     Concentration, Analog Input, Count, Time Stamp (hh:mm:ss), Extension: (*.txt), Comma

M200 Data System


i.e. mkdir <filename>

            mkdir <filename>/PostProcessing
       i.e. scp <filename.sea> <user>@<location><filename_datetime/PostProcessing

Processing on NAS

i.e. process_all_polcast4

           If you run into any trouble type process_all_polcast4 -h for syntax help


Convert from TSI (*.S80) Format to Text File Format (*.txt)

Convert from Text File Format (*.txt) to NASA/UND File Format

Use the ADPAA script convert_smpsv9tonasa for processing of text files from Version 9 of AIM software


/TEOMData /AllData directory.

        i.e. 1405A204920905_2012-6-28_16-30-20.csv 

POLCAST4_All_2012-6-28_16-30-20.csv) containing all POLCAST4 data up to this point.

        i.e. 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.raw

contained in the edit file

i.e. 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.clean

        i.e. 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.edits

POLCAST4 Surface/Lab Data Merging

     mergefield field=2 target=5 tolerance=0.5 file=13_05_10_00_00_00.serialc.dmtccnc.raw < 13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccn_conc.raw > 13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccn_conc2.raw
     mergefield field=1 target=6 tolerance=0.5 file=../CPCData/13_05_10_16_23_57.cpc3775.raw < ../CCNCData/PostProcessing/13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccn_conc2.raw > 13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccnc_cpc.raw