On Wednesday, June 9, pick up two data radios from WMI, one for Citation and one for Ground Station (Titan Radar Display). (David Delene).
Task: Bring SF6 regulators to WMI and get data radios. (David Delene)
Draft is started on Wiki page.
Task: Develop aircraft instrument set up documentation. (Chris Kruse)
Send Dennis the tables (David Delene).
Task: Modify M300 tables from POLCAST2 for use in POLCAST3. (Chris Kruse)
Citation Aircraft (David Delene, Tony Grainger)
Conduct editing of the King Probe data for POLCAST3 (David Delene).
Replace the 465 MHz Antenna with VHF antenna (Aaron)
We have a 465 MHz Antenna installed on the aircraft, replace the VHF comm antenna.
465 MHz Antenna should of been ordered.
Task: See if we can get new antenna (465 MHz) installed on Citation. (David Delene)
Add processing for the second temperature probe. (David Delene)
Citation Hardware Long Term
Need to test different cards in the PCASP.
Task: PCASP is not working, need to fix.
Have figured out the type of character generator, camera and DVR to get.
Task: Purchase and Install forward looking Video Camera.
A value has been installed behind flow meter on the CPC assembly. The flow rate has been set for 1 L/min at STP (2.6 volts). We fly like this to see how it works.
Critical orifice has been removed. Took pictures and loaded them on the N drive labeled CPC.
Task: Pull critical orifice from CPC. Regulate the volumetric flow rate.
Task: Raise the Flight Scientist Monitor
Task: Service the HVPS to increase the Upper and Lower Video Voltages.
UND Radar
IRIS (Miranda Hilgers, Paul Kucera)
Task: Obtained radar data with high frequency. (Everyone)
Task: Get radar range gauge rings (50, 100, 150 km) overlay for Google Earth. Write Wiki page on how to do this. (Miranda).
Task: Review POLCAST2 IRIS radar data on Radar2 (Miranda).
Task: Get IRIS software working on Radar2. (Chris, Miranda, David D.)
Titan (David Keith, Paul Kucera)
Task: Learn about running Titan and Titan scripts (Miranda)
Surface Measurements (David Keith, David Delene)
Task: Get M200 working for both CCN counters, take some comparison data, hopefully, CH601 (David Keith).
Task: Get CH601 configured for surface sampling instruments. (David Delene, John Nordlie)
Hole in the wall is installed.
Waiting on the paper work. Should be able to get done. (Aaron Ness)
Task: See about status of hole in wall in CH601. (David Delene)
Task: Write Wiki configuration page for surface measurements. (David Keith)
Have different cards and try to swap.
PCASP is in the lab, need to make sure ground test cable is wired correctly. (Aaron Ness, David Delene, Chris Kruse)
Task: Bring PCASP to lab (CH423) and get working on the bench. (David Keith)
Task: Install and test A/D card and 1D card in M200. (David Keith)
Task: Write and test the M200 configuration tables to record, CCNC, PCASP, and CPC data. (David Keith)
Modeling (Miranda Hilgers, Gretchen Mullendore)
Task: Get RIP softwareo working on Plume. (Miranda)
Task: Add information about model configuration/initialization/products to Wiki page. (Miranda)
Task: Get WRF Model color table to be the same as IRIS software (Miranda)
Task: Archive WRF data runs on the plume.atmos.und.edu server. (David Delene)
Task: Document data archival on project Wiki page. (Miranda Hilgers)
Received comments/requestion from Paul on model stuff. Gretchen will look at to see how difficult it is to do. Will check to see if there is enough time to run 36/48 hour forecasts.
Talked to Darin on June 2 and he has ask Dan (forecast) to review the WRF model page and provide feed back.
Task: Get feed back on current WRF model confirmation and plots. Need longer than 24 hours or go down from 3km to 1km. Talk to the NDWRB forcaster to get their opinion (David Delene).