Table of Contents
Punch List
WMI Aircraft
Citation Aircraft
Surface Measurements
Project: Polarimetric Cloud Analysis and Seeding Test: 2010 Field Season (POLCAST3)
Dates: June 21th - July 23th
Location: Eastern North Dakota
Operations Plan
Grand Forks Herald Article
Atmospheric Reservoir Article
UND Atmospheric Science News Item
Photos from the project can be found on the
POLCAST3 Gallery page
Conference Call Number: 701-777-0967
Punch List
List of items being worked on.
WMI Aircraft
Aircraft Instrument Status
Citation Aircraft
Citation Instrument Status
Documentation on the IRIS radar software
UND Radar
TITAN Documentation
Surface Measurements
PQ 200 Ambient Fine Particulate Sampler
Model Info:
Initialization - Initialized once per day at 00z, cold start initialization.
Gretchen's WRF Model Page
Current run of the WRF model
Data from the WRF model runs being documented on the server.
Directory \wrf_polcast3_plume
NDARB Forecast Page
Polcast Forecast form NDARB
Satellite and Radar
High resolution 1-km visible satellite imagery and regional radar mosaic with animation capabilities from College of DuPage
Model Analysis Page
Generate contour plots using the forecast models (RUC, GFS, NAM, etc…) from College of DuPage
Model Sounding Page
Generate point soundings using the forecast models (RUC, GFS, NAM, etc…) for any location which produces a METAR
Extended GFS Model
Extended (60-hr) GFS plots from UNYSIS with multi-panel capabilities
SPC Forecast Tools page
Mesoanalysis Graphics are particularly helpful when SPC has us in a risk area
4.0 km WRF Simulated Reflectivity
Non-operational reflectivity product from the WRF model