Table of Contents

POLCAST3 Aircraft Instrumentation Summary


Location Instrument Facing Height above Cabin Wind Shield distance
???? CCN Counter ???? ????

Wing Probes

Location Probe Name Owner Serial # Interface Current Status
Left - Top Rosemount 102AU1AP WMI ????? A/D Channel 3 Installed
Left Wing - PMS Can PCASP-100x WMI ????? 1D Card 0X0700 Installed/Working

Non-Wing Mounted Instruments

Location Probe Owner Serial # Interface Current Status
Inside Cabin SEA M300 Data System WMI 3066 NA ?????
Inside Cabin SEA A/D Board WMI ???? M300 Board ?????
Inside Cabin Wyoming CCN Counter WMI ???? A/D Channels 15-19 ?????
Inside Cabin GPS Nmea WMI ???? /dev/ser4 (RS-232 Port 3) ?????
Co-Pilot Static Pressure Transducer WMI ???? A/D Board (Ch 6) ?????
Co-Pilot IAS Pressure Transducer WMI ???? A/D Board (Ch 1) ?????

GPS Nmea Formula Numbers

Description Units F Number
Latitude rad F11100
Longitude rad F11101
Ground Speed kt F11102
Ground Track deg F11103
Magnetic Variation deg F11104
Time F11105
Date F11106
Status F11120
Satellite Count F11121
Altitude m F11122
Altitude ft F11123
Latitude String F11300
Longitude String F11301
Ground Speed m/s F11302
Ground Track rad F11303
Latitude deg F11400
Longitude deg F11401

Analog Board Number 1 - Serial # ????

Ch Tag # Description Status Range Constants Units Status
0 100 Spare Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
1 101 Pitot Pressure (IAS) Used 5 volts 15.0061 -0.04 volts
2 102 Spare 2 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
3 103 Rosemount Temperature Used 5 volts 25.0 -75.5 C
4 104 Spare 4 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
5 105 Spare 5 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
6 106 Static Pressure Used 5 volts 275.42??? 0.0 mbars
7 107 Spare 7 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
8 108 Spare 8 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
9 109 Spare 9 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
10 110 Spare 10 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
11 111 Spare 11 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
12 112 Spare 12 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
13 113 Spare 13 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
14 114 Spare 14 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
15 115 CCNC Plate Temperature Difference Used 10 volts 2.3461 0.2353 C
16 116 CCNC Top Plate Temperature Used 10 volts 4.8505 -0.2674 C
17 117 CCNC Laser Power Used 10 volts 235.07 -0.0781 uA
18 118 CCNC Detector Voltage Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
19 119 CCNC Status Voltage Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
20 120 Spare 20 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
21 121 Spare 21 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
22 122 Spare 22 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
23 123 Spare 23 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
24 124 Spare 24 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
25 125 Spare 25 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
26 126 Spare 26 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
27 127 Spare 27 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
28 128 Spare 28 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
29 129 Spare 29 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
30 130 BIP Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
31 131 Spare 31 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA

Analog Board Calibration References

Ch Description Reference
0 Spare
1 Pitot Pressure
2 Spare 2 5/15/2008 Edge Tech Certificate of Calibration
3 Rosemount Temperature
4 Spare 4
5 Spare 5
6 Static Pressure
7 Spare 7
8 Spare 8
9 Spare 9
10 Spare 10
11 Spare 11
12 Spare 12
13 Spare 13
14 Spare 14
15 CCNC Plate Temperature Difference
16 CCNC Top Plate Temperature
17 CCNC Laser Power
18 CCNC Detector Voltage
19 CCNC Status Voltage
20 Spare 20
21 Spare 21
22 Spare 22
23 Spare 23
24 Spare 24
25 Spare 25
26 Spare 26
27 Spare 27
28 Spare 28
29 Spare 29
30 BIP
31 Spare 31