Table of Contents

POLCAST2 Aircraft Instrumentation Summary


Location Instrument Facing Height above Cabin Wind Shield distance
Left Side Window CN Counter Backwards 21 cm
Left Side Window CCN Counter Backwards 21 cm

Wing Probes

Location Probe Name Owner Serial # Interface Current Status
Right Wing - PMS Can FSSP-100 NCAR RAL 277-0676-06 /dev/ser2 (RS-232 Port 1) ON AIRCRAFT
Right Nose - Bottom Digital Hot Wire Probe WMI A/D Channel 7 ON AIRCRAFT
Right Nose - Bottom Rosemount 102AU1AP WMI 52533 A/D Channel 3 ON AIRCRAFT
Left Wing - PMS Can PCASP-100x UND 30013-1191-11 ID Card 0X0700 ON AIRCRAFT

Non-Wing Mounted Instruments

Location Probe Owner Serial # Interface Current Status
Inside Cabin SEA M300 Data System UND 3038 NA ON AIRCRAFT
Inside Cabin SEA A/D Board UND 1055 M300 Board ON AIRCRAFT
Inside Cabin Wyoming CCN Counter NCAR RAL 107 A/D Channels 15-19 ON AIRCRAFT
Inside Cabin TSI CN Counter UND /dev/ser3 (RS-232 Port 2) On Order, due end of July
Inside Cabin GPS Nmea WMI /dev/ser4 (RS-232 Port 3) ON AIRCRAFT
Outside Cabin EdgeTech Model 137-C1-A3-AS/L Hygrometer UND 36278 A/D Board (Ch 0 & 7) ON AIRCRAFT
Co-Pilot Static Pressure Transducer WMI A/D Board (Ch 6) On Aircraft
Co-Pilot IAS Pressure Transducer WMI A/D Board (Ch 1) On Aircraft

Analog Board Number 1 - Serial # 1055

Ch Tag # Description Status Range Constants Units Status
0 16 Hot Wire Probe Monitor Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
1 11 Pitot Pressure (IAS) Used 5 volts 15.0061 -0.04 volts
2 13 Dew Point Temperature Used 5 volts 20.0 -60.0 volts
3 12 Rosemount Temperature Used 5 volts 25.0 -75.5 C
4 22 Spare 2 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
5 14 Ball Vario Not Used 5 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
6 10 Static Pressure Used 5 volts 275.42??? 0.0 mbars
7 15 Hot Wire Probe Signal Used 10 volts 10.0 0.0 volts
8 21 Spare 3 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
9 20 Spare 4 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
10 622 Spare 5 Not Used 10 volts 200.0 0.0 volts NA
11 620 Spare 6 Not Used 10 volts 200.0 0.0 volts NA
12 600 Spare 7 Not Used 10 volts 20.0 0.0 volts NA
13 621 Spare 8 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
14 602 Spare 9 Not Used 10 volts 100.6 0.0 volts NA
15 33 CCNC Plate Temperature Difference Used 10 volts 2.3461 0.2353 C
16 34 CCNC Top Plate Temperature Used 10 volts 4.8505 -0.2674 C
17 35 CCNC Laser Power Used 10 volts 235.07 -0.0781 uA
18 36 CCNC Detector Voltage Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
19 37 CCNC Status Voltage Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
20 45 Spare 10 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
21 46 Spare 11 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts Not Working
22 47 Spare 12 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
23 601 Spare 13 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
24 43 CN Flow Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
25 44 Spare 14 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
26 42 Spare 15 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
27 41 Spare 16 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
28 17 CPC Concentration Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
29 19 Spare 18 Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts NA
30 51 BIP Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts
31 50 Ejectables Not Used 10 volts 1.0 0.0 volts

Analog Board Calibration References

Ch Description Reference
0 Liquid Water Probe Monitor
1 Pitot Pressure (IAS)
2 Dew Point Temperature 5/15/2008 Edge Tech Certificate of Calibration
3 Rosemount Temperature
4 Not Used
5 Ball Vario
6 Static Pressure
7 Liquid Water Probe Signal
8 Not Used
9 Not Used
10 Not Used
11 Not Used
12 Not Used
13 Not Used
14 Not Used
15 CCNC Plate Temperature Difference
16 CCNC Top Plate Temperature
17 CCNC Laser Power
18 CCNC Detector Voltage
19 CCNC Statud Voltage
20 Not Used
21 Not Used
22 Not Used
23 Not Used
24 CN Flow
25 Not Used
26 Not Used
27 Not Used
28 Not Used
29 Not Used
30 BIP
31 Ejectables