===In order to compile and run the UWCOMMAS model, you must have crm_clean.tar in your home directory. Once you have this file, follow the steps below to untar, compile, and run the UWCOMMAS model.=== == 1) To untar and unzip the UWCOMMAS file, use the basic commands: " tar xzf crm_clean.tar.gz "== == 2) open "Makefile" with any text editor, preferably in Unix to avoid hidden characters. == * Make sure that your "LOCAL" directory is the directory in which you have unzipped crm_clean == 3) Change TYPE, TRACER, and ADVECTION_METHOD, if needed. After this, save the file and close it. == == 4) Type "make clean" to remove unnecessary files, then type "make all" to compile the program. == * This should create an executable file called "Drive" in the main directory and another called "init" in the Init (Initialization) directory. === INITIALIZATION === * 3d.params should be modified before continuing to step 6. For further information, see the 3d.params link == 6) Run "init" == * The command is './init' == 7) Move the output file to rename it "fort.12" == * The command is 'mv fort.12' == 8) Next we need to tell UWCOMMAS how we want the model to run (i.e. start time, time steps, etc.) == * Skim through adapt_input and adjust the necessary parameters (Again, see adapt_input above for namelist information) === WE ARE READY TO RUN! === == A) Type in the following command: ./drive > drive.log 2>&1 & == * What this will do is place output log and errors into drive.log. The "&" at the end will run it in the background. If you would like the file to write somewhere else, just rename "drive.log" to whatever you want. * If you want to see progress, you can type "tail drive.log" and that will display the last 6 lines of the model run * If you want to see progress continuously, you can type "tail -f drive.log" and that will continuously display the model run steps until either the model is done or the user aborts the command (ctrl C). == B) Your file output will be default to .cdf file allowing you to use them in MATLAB/IDL or other .cdf programs.== ==== GOOD LUCK! ====