==== This page will guide you through what each of the items in adapt.input namelist mean ==== === Ignore the lines above this first point === ==0000_3600 run name== * This line is the name of the model output. Currently would be output as "0000_3600_g01.cdf" ==RAMPUP if restart, this is previous run name== * This is used for restart files. If you have a previous file you wish to restart the current run from, put the PREVIOUS run name (minus the _g01.cdf) * For example, if you ran a model from 0s - 7200 s, and you now want to run from 7200 s - 10,800 s, you would use the 0-7200 run name. * If you are not using a restart file, the restart name should be set to "nada" ==0000. if restart, this is time from which to restart== * If you are creating a restart file, this is the time you wish to start the CURRENT run. So as for the previous example, this number would now be 7200. ==1 ngrds, total number of grids to be output== * This is the total number of .cdf files you would like. If there are more, it's a bit of a headache. ==1 list of grids to be output (analysis grid is grid 0)== * Leave default at 1 for all intensive purposes. ==an.param anfile, analysis grid parameter file== * (Please fill in) ==f symm_out, output logical - write southern half of domain== * (Please fill in) ==f separate, output logical - write output times to separate files== * (Please fill in) ==f set_times, output logical - specify output times (in timefile below)== * (Please fill in) ==out.times timefile, output time file == * (Please fill in) ==00 nz_out, num vertical levels (for w) in output (zero: all levels)== * (Please fill in) ==f verbose1, output logical - grid location, size, etc...== * Verbose functions are used to get more information about a certain variable. ==f verbose2, output logical - grid variable information== * ==f verbose3, output logical - io information== * ==f verbose4, output logical - storage information== * ==f verbose5, output logical - solver diagnostics== * ==f verbose6, output logical - random information== * ==t rdump, logical - dump data for later restart at end== * This flag should ALWAYS be set to true. This will dump all of the data at the end in case you want to use this run later as a restart file. ==t rstart, logical - restart from previous data== * If you are going to be running the CURRENT run from a restart file, this needs to be set to TRUE so the model knows to look previously. ==0. stup_time; time for velocity startup (zero: no startup)== * This is for a rampup time. If you would like to have the bubble have time to adjust and grow instead of just randomly jumping into the model, set this to something OTHER than 0. For the runs that have been ongoing, this has been set for 600 (600 seconds of rampup). * If you change this to anything OTHER than 0, your "start time" will also need to change. ==0. stup_ampu; magnitude of velocity startup, u component== * (Please fill in) ==0. stup_ampv; magnitude of velocity startup, v component== * (Please fill in) ==3. stup_ampT; magnitude of temperature startup (bubble 1)== * This is how warm the bubble will get over the rampup time ==t grdsrt, logical - regrid at start== * (Please fill in) ==t plotinit, logical - output coarse grid fields at start time == * (Please fill in) ==t rdbdpts, logical - read new grid position at start== * (Please fill in) ==f resetcon, logical - reset constants at start time == * (Please fill in) ==changes.lst resetcon file; must include, only used of resetcon is true== * (Please fill in) ==98,98,77 nx,ny,nz; nodes on coarse grid, used if rstart is false== * These numbers should match those in 3d.params ==0000. start time; in the same units as the timestep (s)== * This is the start time of the run. IF USING RAMPUP...this start time should be the SAME as your rampup time * So if your rampup time is 600 seconds, this start time will be -600 ==3600. stop time; stop-start should be multiple of coarse grid step== * This is where "cloud time" ends. Your model will stop running when it reaches this point in the storm; calculated in seconds. ==60. output type 1 interval (min/max values of fields)== * This says that every 60 seconds of cloud time, there is an output of max/min values in the .log file. ==0. output type 2 interval (restart dump)== * (Please fill in) ==300. output type 3 interval (IVE integration grid dump(s))== * If you are using a program such as IVE, this is the time (seconds) that will dump an output grid for viewing. ==000. output type 4 interval (IVE analysis grid dump)== * (Please fill in) ==000. anstart; time of first analysis grid dump== * (Please fill in) ==000. anstop; time of last analysis grid dump== * (Please fill in) ==1 mxnest; number of grid levels== * This number is the number of grid levels you have in your model. ==1 levfix; level above which to regrid at start== * (Please fill in) ==3 intrat; spatial refinement ratio== * (Please fill in) ==3 intratt; temporal refinement ratio== * (Please fill in) ==10000 kcheck; number of steps between regridding, not used== * (Please fill in) ==2 iorder; order of method, not used== * (Please fill in) ==0.5 tol; tolerance for error, not used== * (Please fill in) ==0.5 cut; regridding parameter, not used== * (Please fill in) ==1.0 relcut; regridding parameter, not used== * (Please fill in) ==3.0 cdist; regridding parameter, not used== * (Please fill in) ==2.0 bzone; regridding parameter, not used== * (Please fill in) ==1000. hxposs(1); dx on coarse grid== * (Please fill in) ==1000. hyposs(1); dy on coarse grid== * (Please fill in) ==3. possk(1); dt on coarse grid== * (Please fill in) ==0 Num new grids, level 2 (params below in coarse grid intervals)== * This is the number of new grids, such as when you have nested grids. ==16.,16.,16.,16.,0.,1 xcen,ycen,xlen,ylen,alpha,two-way(1) or one-way(0)== * (Please fill in) ==0 Num new grids, level 3== * (Please fill in) ==52.,73.,14.,36.,0.,1 xcen,ycen,xlen,ylen,alpha,two-way(1) or one-way(0)== * (Please fill in)