====== umask settings for airborne group on citation2 ====== umask sets the default file permissions. It is usually set at 0022, but we want 0002. This gives 'airborne' group write access to all files and folders. For security reasons, we don't want to have group write access on just any computer, so follow the instructions just for citation2. We should be doing processing of full aircraft flights and reprocessing of field projects __only__ on Aircraft. Small-scale changes and algorithm/processing code development can still be run on data through your local computer, but double-check that permissions are consistent with other files when you are done. ===== Instructions ===== -Login to the username@aircraft.atmos.und.edu -Open .profile (in your home directory) with //vi .profile// -Add //umask 0002// to the file and save it -Logout -When you log back on, you will then have group write access -Check to see that it has worked by typing //umask// in the terminal window **Now,** -Open .bashrc (in your home directory) with //vi .bashrc// -Add //umask 0002// to the file and save it -Close the terminal and open a new one -//ssh// into another computer on the network (i.e. username@nuclei.atmos.und.edu) -Check to see that it has worked by typing //umask// in the terminal window