====== MET Tools info/notes ====== [[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/docs/users_guide/MET_Users_Guide_v3.0.2.pdf|METv3.0 Users Guide]] [[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/index.php|Online Tutorial]] If editting the Point-Stat, Grid-Stat, or MODE Config File (might be applicable to other config files) and using GRIB instead of netcdf, use the "VALUE" or "ABBREV." for desired Parameter using this [[http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html|Table*]]. For config Files that need message types, a list of message types and their descriptions are found [[http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_1.htm|here]] (Use the Field 'MNEMONIC' for the message type). Defaults of all Configuration files are found in directory: METv3.0/data/config ===== Data Reformation and Preperation Tools ===== * Gen-Poly-Mask Tool * Input: * Gridded model or Observation file (in GRIB). * ASCII file defining Lat/Lon masking polyline. * PCP-Combine Tool * Input: * Two or more gridded model or Observation files (in GRIB). //Note: Can be used as a GRIB to Netcdf format converter. If one file is passed instead of two or more, it will convert the file into netcdf.// * ASCII2NC Tool * Input: * One ASCII point observation file (may change in the future with newer version of MET along with format required). //Note: File should contain 10 Columns per line (per observation point), in this format:// Column Name Format 1 Message_type Text String 2 Station_ID 5 Digits, doesn't have to be correct (Digits, not Text String like manual states) 3 Valid_Time YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS 4 Lat Degrees North of observing location 5 Lon Degrees East of observing location 6 Elevation Elevation (in msl) of observing location 7 Grib_code Integer grib code value corresponding to observation (Table* above) 8 Level Pressure Level (in hPa) or accumulation interval in hours 9 Height Height (in msl) of observation value 10 Observation_value Observation value in units matching the grib_code units (found in Table* above) * PB2NC Tool * Input: * One PrepBufr point observation file. * Config file([[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/PB2NCConfig_default|Default File]]). * Ensemble-Stat Tool * Input: * The ensemble file(s) in GRIB or Netcdf(output of PCP-Combine or pinterp). * Config File([[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/EnsembleStatConfig_default|Defualt File]]). //Note: If passing in multiple files to the command line, it may be more convenient to pass an ASCII file containing the names of the ensemble files instead. Note 2: Derives several summary fields such as ensemble mean, spread relative frequencies, etc. Results may be verified by the statiscial verification tools below or my the Ensemble-Stat Tool again (see below).// ===== Statistical Verification Tools ===== * Point-Stat Tool: *Input: *Forecast file in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine). *Observation file in Netcdf(from PB2NC or ASCII). *Config File ([[http://verif.rap.ucar.edu/cgi/metgui/ps.cgi|Point-Stat Config File Generator]] or [[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/PointStatConfig_default|Default File]]). * Grid-Stat Tool: *Input: *Forecast File in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine). *Observation File in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine). *Config File ([[http://verif.rap.ucar.edu/cgi/metgui/gs.cgi|Grid-Stat Config File Generator]] or [[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/GridStatConfig_default|Default File]]). * MODE Tool: *Input: *Forecast File in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine). *Observation File in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine). *Config File ([[http://verif.rap.ucar.edu/cgi/metgui/mode.cgi|MODE Config File Generator]] or [[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/WrfModeConfig_default|Default File]]). * Wavelet-Stat Tool *Input: *Forecast File in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine or pinterp). *Observation File in GRIB or Netcdf(from PCP-Combine or pinterp). *Config File ([[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/WaveletStatConfig_default|Default File]]). * Ensemble-Stat Tool(same as above) //Note: May be used to verify the ensemble directly by comparing it to gridded and/or point observation.// ===== Aggregation and Analysis Tools ===== * Stat-Analysis Tool *Input: *One or More STAT files output from Point-Stat and/or Grid-Stat. *Config file([[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/STATAnalysisConfig_default|Default File]]) or job specification. //Note: Can specify directory with STAT files instead of multiple files.// * MODE-Analysis Tool *Input: *One or more MODE object statistic files output from MODE Tool. *Config file([[http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv3.0/config/MODEAnalysisConfig_default|Default File]]) or job specification. //Note: Can specify directory with MODE files instead of multiple files.//