====== RadxConvert ====== This application is used to convert raw radar data in IRIS format to NetCdf format (analogous to cfRadial format). ===== Why Is It Important ? ===== Some LROSE features can only process data in NetCdf format. Hence, the conversion is necessary. ===== How To Run This Application ? ===== * This application can be run using the following command from the command line: RadxConvert -f ~/projDir.strathmore/path/of/saved/data/in/IRIS/format/yyyymmdd/*CONVOL* -params ~/projDir.strathmore/path/of/params/file/RadxConvert.params ===== Output Produced ===== The data files in NetCdf format is generated in the output directory mentioned in the params file. ===== Params File ===== The params file for this application can be found here: {{ :atmos:software:lrose:radxconvert.params |}}