====== Generate Storms Tracks ====== BACKGROUND: Titan stands for Thunderstorm Identification Tracking Analysis and Nowcasting application. The Titan script identifies storms, tracks the storms and forecasts their position using extrapolation. Storm parameters, such as the lower and higher threshold of radar reflectivity values, hail metrics like the FOKR index, hail mass aloft, are calcualted using this script. The Titan scripts generates the storm header files (.th5 , .sh5) and the storm data files (.td5 , .sd5). OBJECTIVE: The objective of this workflow is to generate or regenerate the storms and data files for a certain time. DATA: Archived data is used for July 2017 from the radar site in Olds, Alberta, Canada. ===== Generating Storm Header and Data Files ===== Titan -params ~/projDir/titan/params/Titan.archive -start "2017 07 01 00 00 00" -end "2017 07 31 23 59 59" ===== Output Produced ===== Four output files (.th5, .sh5, .td5 and .sd5) are generated per day in $PROG_DIR/data/titan/storms. ===== Params File ===== The params file for Strathmore is {{ :atmos:software:lrose:titan.params |here}} Params file used in above example is {{ :atmos:software:lrose:titan.archive.params |here}}