===== North Dakota National Weather Service (NWS) Combined Radar Setup ====== ==== Web Site Links ==== * [[http://www.openscienceassociates.com/titan/index.php|Latest Image]] * [[http://www.openscienceassociates.com/titan/LastHour.gif|Last Hour Animation]] * [[http://www.openscienceassociates.com/titan/NorthDakota|Images]] ===== Work Flow ===== OBJECTIVE: The **objective** of this work flow is to setup processing of data from several National Weather Service radars and display images on Website. DATA SET: National Weather Service AWS feed for The summer 2017 Strathomore Radar **data set** was obtained from Environmental Canada and is currently available via [[ftp://transfer1.atmos.und.edu/ftpuser/DavidDelene/Calgary/|ftp]]. === Creating Directories === The setup includes added the starting of the script to copy the image file to the crontab by added the following to ${proj_Dir}/control/crontab 1-59/5 * * * * /home/delene/bin/scpTitan2OSA 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null where scpTitan2OSA file is available for modification.