====== ASCII Files, Plots and Animated gifs For A Selective Target Case From The Calgary Hail Analysis Project ====== **Target Case Description** Target Case Origin - NNW of Sundre Number of Complex Sets Used to Describe Chosen Target Case - 3 Complex Track Numbers - 20 , 20 , 20 Simple Track Numbers - 20 , 31 , 38 Number of Volume Scans - 47 **Special Note:** This particular target case was still active about 90 minutes after the end of seeding and remained so for over 30 minutes. So the later half of this target case can be treated as a non-seed case. **ASCII Files For The Particular Target Case** ASCII File for C20S20 - {{ :atmos:software:lrose:ahspdatafile_20170703_c20s20.params |}} ASCII File for C20S31 - {{ :atmos:software:lrose:ahspdatafile_20170703_c20s31.params |}} ASCII File for C20S38 - {{ :atmos:software:lrose:ahspdatafile_20170703_c20s38.params |}} **Plot Of The Target Case** {{:atmos:software:lrose:ahspdatafile_20170703_c20s20.png?nolink&600|}} **Animated gif** Animated gif for Reflectivity - {{ :atmos:software:lrose:animated_dbz_20170703_c20s20s31s38.gif?linkonly |}} Animated gif for VIL - {{ :atmos:software:lrose:animated_vil_20170703_c20s20s31s38.gif?linkonly |}} **All Files Used For This Target Case :** {{ :atmos:software:lrose:20170703_c20s20s31s38_all_files.tar |}} ===== Miscellaneous Documents ===== The poster on the analysis of the Alberta Hail Suppression Project can be found here:{{ :atmos:software:lrose:maitra_poster_367_american_meteorological_society_annual_meeting_2021_jan.pdf |}}