====== Software Related to Hail Analysis from Calgary Project ====== ===== VIL_Plot.py ===== The VIL_Plot.py code plots (VIL_Above4km_20170709_C15S15.png) a time series of data using input ascii files (for example, VIL_Above4km_20170709_C15S15.txt) generated by the Titan Lrose script and converted to ascii format using Tracks2Ascii. The file and output is give in tar file {{ :atmos:software:lrose:pythonassiangment_20200518.tar |}}. The VIL_30 Metric and VIL_70 is the fraction of the total data above a VIL level of 30 and 70, respectively. {{:atmos:software:lrose:vil_above4km_20170709_c30s52.png?400|}}