=====Linux OS - Additional Software===== There is a lot of additional software for the Linux OS that is typically used in our department. Below is a list with information on how to install it. * [[http://sccwiki.aero.und.edu/atmos/linuxsoftware|SCC Linux OS - Useful Additional Software]] ===ADPAA=== * (Lab and Delene's Students only) Software for processing and analysis of UND Airborne data. [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/]] See [[http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/adpaa/index.php?title=.:SVNInstall:home|Wiki]] [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/files/INSTALL/download |INSTALL README]]for install inforamtion The "airborne" group should have read/write access to /usr/local/ADPAA and all sub directories. Also, changed the directory bit so that new files/directories have group write by defaults. ===Chrome (If available)=== Chrome is an open source web browser. [[https://www.google.com/chrome/?brand=ECDA&installdataindex=yes-apps-no-promo|Download]] ===Citrix Receiver=== The Citrix Receiver program allows software from http://myapps.und.edu to be ran. See http://receiver.citrix.com/?ntref=citrixdotcomdownloads. Citrix Receiver can not be installed on Linux RedHat 5 machines. Citrix Receiver requires a newer version of glibc than is available for RedHat 5 machines. ===Gnuplot=== Gnuplot is a program for creating graphical plots. ===Googleearth=== Googleearth is display package that allows 3-D viewing of the earth. [[http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html|Download]] To install: # rpm -ivh --force google-earth-stable.x86_64 # yum reinstall filesystem ===GVIM==== GVIM is a GUI text editor that includes all the vim keyboard editing features. ===ImageMagick=== ImageMagick provides the "display" program for viewing files. ===Java Browser Plugin=== Java browser plugin enable animations on web sites, like [[http://www.time.gov|time.gov]]. Change security level to medium. ===IDL=== IDL is a scripting programming language. The install software is located on the [[http://learn.aero.und.edu/pages.asp?PageID=162649|Ez web Atmospheric Science Software Wiki page]]. You should probably select to install the "High Resolution Maps" during installation but not the DCOM options. The LM_LICENSE_FILE variable needs to be defined to be 1700@flex.aero.und.edu so you can access the license. The LM_LICESE_FILE is usually defined /etc/profile. However, in RHEL7, it is pending that this declaration be set in /etc/profile.d/ as a shell script. **To test a new installation, type idl at the shell prompt**. Ensure you receive a valid IDL license and that you are not running a timed demo version. ===Matlab=== Matlab is a scripting programming language. The install software is located on the [[http://learn.aero.und.edu/pages.asp?PageID=162649|Ez web Atmospheric Science Software Wiki page]]. To install and license Matlab, someone that has access to the department Matlab account will have to do it. To test the installation of Matlab, type matlab at a shell prompt. ===Ncftp=== Ncftp is a command line ftp program that can has advanced features for transferring data files. On Redhat 5 need to install the epel-release (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository. For example,su -c 'rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm'. * Note: Use the rpmforge version, not the Epel version when installing on RHEL6 ===pdftk (PDF)=== (See mcpdf for replacement.) pdftk is no longer available by repository. The fact that it is no longer being developed and its dependency on older revisions of libraries that have been updated make it increasingly harder to install this software on modern linux-based operating systems. The pdftk should be install via yum (rpmforge). Linux has some nice commands for working with pdf files, below are some example commands. To stitch pdf files. gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf file1.pdf file2.pd To create a subset of pdf pdftk Volume16_no1_1984.pdf cat 38-43 output JWM-1984-V16N1-Griffith-34.pdf To split pdf file by page pdftk input.pdf Burst ===mcpdf=== A java-based drop-in replacement for pdftk which can be found [[https://github.com/m-click/mcpdf|at their github website]] To make this seemless with pdftk, put the mcpdf jar file in /opt/mcpdf/ And then alias to pdftk in /etc/bashrc. alias pdftk="java -jar /opt/mcpdf/mcpdf.jar" ===Python Packages=== Scipy, Numpy, Matplotlib, Basemap, Sharpy (Sounding Software) ===rdesktop=== Used to access Windows OS desktop remotely. ===Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)=== Used to visualize atmospheric data sets. This software is free, but requires registration (account set up is free). Can be downloaded at [[http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/]] ===VLC Media Player=== Open Source Multimedia Framework and Player. [[http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html|Download]] ===VNC== Virtual Network Computing (VNC) should be installed on all computer to allow access remote computers.