====Software==== Information about software used in the department. Training for some UND software is available for staff at [[https://www.atomiclearning.com/highed/login/und|Atomic Learning]]. Login with your UND credentials. Everyone has access. * *[[.aerospacefieldcatalog:home|Aerospace Field Catalog]] * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/?source=directory|Airborne Data Processing and Analysis (ADPAA)]] * [[.AWS:home:Amazon Web Services Cloud Computing]] * [[.Blackboard:home|Blackboard]] * [[.Bufkit:home|Bufkit]] * [[http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/adpaa/index.php?title=Main_Page|Cplot Wiki]] * [[.chords:home|CHORDS]] * [[.dashware:home|DashWare]] * [[.desktopScreenRecording|Desktop Screen Recording]] * [[.digitalmeasures:home|Digital Measures]] * [[.egads:home|EGADS (EUFAR General AirborneData-processing Software)]] * [[http://www.foxitsoftware.com/Secure_PDF_Reader/|Foxit - PDF file viewer that can highlight text and insert comments.]] * [[.gallaryremote:home|Gallery Remote]] * Google Earth * [[.CircleGenerator2|Circle Generator 2 in Google Earth]] * [[.Radar_in_Google_Earth|How to put radar images in Google Earth]] * [[.gempak:home|GEMPAK]] * [[.Gibson Ridge Software:home|Gibson Ridge Software]] * [[.grads:home|GrADS]] * [[.grafana:home|Grafana]] * [[.GSI:home|GSI]] * [[.HDFLook:home|HDFlook]] * [[.Hysplit Trajectory Models|Hysplit Trajectory Models]] * [[.idl|IDL]] * [[.idv|IDV]] * [[.igor:home|IGOR]] * [[.indesign|Indesign]] * [[.iris|IRIS]] * [[.LabView:home|LabVIEW]] * [[.libreoffice:home|Libre Office]] * [[.Linux:home|Linux]] * [[.liquidfile:home|Liquid Files System - Sharing files that can't be attached to emails. * [[.lrose:home|Lrose]] * [[.matlab|Matlab]] * [[.MET:home|MET]] * [[.Modis:MODIS Data]] * [[.mozillacomposer: Mozilla Composer]] * [[.msword:home|Microsoft Word]] * [[.NCL|NCL]] * [[.netcdf:home|NeCDF]] * [[.NOAA Weather and Climate Toolkit|NOAA Weather and Climate Toolkit]] * [[.NOMADS|NOAA NOMADS]] * [[.OASIS:home| OASIS (Optical Array Shadow Imaging Software)]] * [[.OpenFoam:home| OpenFOAM]] * [[.pbs:home|PBS]] * [[.pdcontrol:home|PDControl - Welas]] * [[.perl:home|Perl]] * [[.podcastgenerator|Podcast Generator]] * [[.python|Python]] * [[.R:home|R Statistical Language]] * [[.radx|RadX]] * [[.readgrib|Read_grib]] * [[.ROAB|RAOB]] * [[.Respondus:home|Respondus - Upload Exams to Blackboard]] * [[.scite|Scite - AI scholar article summary tool]] * [[.SHARPpy|SHARPpy]] * [[.SODA|SODA2 (Software for OAP Data Analysis)]] * [[.SOLOii|SOLO]] * [[.tcl:home|TCL]] * [[.thor|THOR (Tool for High-resolution Observation Review)]] * [[.titan|Titan]] * [[.ubuntusubsystem|Ubuntu Subsystem for Windows 10]] * [[Uploading to a UND server]] * [[.uwcommas:home|UWCOMMAS]] * [[,vi:home|VI Editor (GVIM)]] * [[.virtualdub|VirtualDub]] * [[.webbased|Web Base]] * [[.webserveratlantis|Web Server - Atlantis]] * [[.windowssoftware:home|Windows OS - Atmospheric Sciences Additional Software]] * [[.wrf:home|WRF]] * [[.zoom:home|Zoom]] * [[.zotero:home|Zotero]] * [[ Win32discimager]] * [[ lmatools]] [[http://wiki.atmos.und.edu/doku.php?id=atmos:home|Back]]