====== Shawn Wagner Research Meeting Notes ====== [[http://wiki.atmos.und.edu/doku.php?id=atmos:researchmeetingnotes:home|Return to Meeting Notes Main Page.]] ===== July 2, 2024 ===== Attending: Shawn Wagner, David Delene ==== Discussion ==== * Rosemount Icing Probe Processing - Icing Flag. * *.sea that is convert using process_raw. * Looked at icingND.pro. * Look at process_WMI, stuff to modify is in process * Look at how *serial.icingMS.raw is made in the icingND.pro software, create serial.icingDO.raw * Ice Fog White Paper, papers from 2013. * Instruments to have. * Come up with science questions, which will give you what instruments to use. ==== Tasks ==== * Working on Icing code. * Working on Ice fog white paper.