====== James Klinman's Thesis Research Meeting Notes ====== ===== October 3, 2023 ===== ==== Discussion ==== * Form Thesis Committee, maybe Jake as member with David Delene and Andy Detwiler. * Update Topic proposal, get done and sent out this week. * Working on updating script for converting aircraft data to ADPAA format to work on 2000 data set. Next meeting Tuesday, October 10, 2023. ===== October 10, 2023 ===== ==== Discussion ==== * Discussed classes, no Measurement System and No Radar. * Topic proposal revised. Need committee review topic. * Try 12 CT on Friday for meeting. * Working on Flight 757, which is June 22, 2000. * Did before June 22, 1995, Flight 668. * High concentration, overloaded the computer. No HVPS, use Hail Spec. * My travel update. Best time for meeting is probably 10 am CST, 7 pm KSA, there is time change. * Keep looking at data for quality assurance. ==== Tasks ==== * David - Review Topic proposal. * James - Get third person on committee. * James - Do training. * James - Work on software (convert), backup software. Next meeting 2 pm Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (No Andy next week). ===== May 14, 2024 (9 am CT) ====== ==== Discussion ==== * Spectrum discussion. Uses time interval of 5 seconds (GNU), Aaron uses a correction, which is 1.1. Now the *.txt file from SODA Hail Spectrometer agrees with the *.dat counts file data exacted with ADPAA. The *Disp is 1-D counts and _SODA is the 2-d. * Names should be HVPS-2D, HAIL-1D, HAIL-2D. * Next meeting with Colorado is 5/21/2024 at 11 AM, no 9 am. ==== Tasks ==== * James - Use names HVPS-2D, HAIL-1D, and HAIL-2D. * James - Add HAIL-1D counting statistics uncertainty, see Shawn Wagner's 2023 paper (David's Website). * James - Get HVPS processing to match, which should be similar to HAIL Spectrum.. * James - Make plots/tables for each 5 sections for different time segments, where we have radar data. * David/Andy - Annual report. ===== May 21, 2024 (11 am CT) ====== ==== Discussion ==== * James - Particle size distribution much better now. * James - Documenting workflow on Wiki page. * Has thing changed previous analysis? * Used 1D and HVPS. * James the 1D has not changed. HVPS data * Andy, some analysis with and without hearing things. * Chandra - HVPS is good for poster. * Andy, the 1995 data is processed. Have to find and organize things. * Chandra - 452 - Old book. See if James can reproduce. 1995 data. * Meet in two weeks, June 4, Tuesday 10 am. * Compare to times with less hail, in 2000. ==== Tasks ==== * James - Get uncertainties in spectrum plots. * Andy - Change 2D method, standard is 1D all-in processing. Get a comparison between methods. * Andy - Starting draft of report. * James - Set of images, with diameter, having individual images. Something for poster. ===== June 4, 2024 (10 am CT) ====== ==== Attending ==== * Pat Kennedy, Andy Dewiler, James Klinman, Ivan Arias. ==== Discussion ==== * Pat has nothing. * James - Slides. * David - Talk about counting statistics. * David - Talked about combining spectrum. Next Meeting - June 14, 11 CT. ====== July 29, 2024 ===== ==== Attending ==== * Pat Kennedy, Andy Dewiler, James Klinman, Ivan Arias. ==== Discussion ==== * ICCP 2024 * James - Update. * David - Update. * James - Uncertainty is interesting. How close was the plane and radar observations? Matching up data/. Why Tmatix, dis-dipolar, why not use. We have Tmaxtix setu. * Andy - What were they doing with radar processing? Create particle size distribution. * Pat - Exactly what were they doing. * David - Find paper on their work and send to group. * Pat - Nothing major, expand on things. * Chandra - Comments. * Pat - Next steps. Processing all data from STEPS project (2000). * Pat - At T-28 level. Will use 10 second data, in good format to get scattering from radar. * Ivan - Finds the closest distance in time. * James - Aaron new file with individual pbp data. Works with HVPS3 data, still working. There is issue with displaying the pbp images correctly. * Andy - There is a factor of 4/1 scaling that is not applied to the pbp display, currently. * James - Set the NetCDF file to 2. Set to 2 to get image data. * David - Add the NetCDF options to ADPAA, set to default of 2. * Andy - How long, does it take to processing. * Ivan - Takes a 2-3 minutes processing for spectrum. Adjusting only air and ice. Working on getting the water amount. Use LDR to match aspect ratio. * Andy - Size distribution with uncertainty bars. Can you use uncertainty to get radar uncertainty. Something good. * Ivan - Yes, something to do. * Andy - Want we have is a range of valves. * James - Updated aspect averaging code. Can generate table of aspect ratio. * Ivan - Can you use size bin aspect ratio? Yes. * David - Can you weight the aspect ratio. * Andy - Use LDR and Reflectivity, use anything else? * Ivan - Yes, only LDR and reflectivity. * Andy - An afternoon, can do a flight to see if water on the * David - Drop off early. ==== Tasks ==== * James - Add NetCDF option to ADPAA SODA processing. * James - Different file for defining streaker file. * David - Send file format to use. * Ivan - Do AMS abstract draft. ===== August 29, 2024 ===== ==== Attending ==== * Andy Dewiler, James Klinman, David Delene ==== Discussion ==== * 2 or 3 pm meet next week, Thursday September 5. * Area ratio < 0.3, manually classified as Not Looked at / good / bad * Lots of particles between 0.1 to 0.3 are not good particles. * What to do with two particles in the image. * How to get size uncertain of particle to reflectivity. ==== Tasks ==== * Select only large particle (>0.8), then make histogram of area ratio. Include particles < 0.1. Maybe use bin of 0.05 area ratio. Do histogram for whole hail time period. * Get another meeting with Colorado setup. ===== September 5, 2024 ===== ==== Attending ==== * Andy Dewiler, James Klinman, David Delene ==== Discussion ==== * Histrogram of area ratios. Looked at some plots. Looks like 0.4 area ratio to remove particles. * Need to figure out how many of the < 0.4 are real data. * Maybe work on code at 1 pm tomorrow.