====== Non-UND options ====== * UND options are getting more and more difficult; hence, good to think about other options. Additionally, the other options provide options such as fabric posters. One option is [[https://www.posterpresentations.com/|https://www.posterpresentations.com/]] Options: * EasyTravel Fabric Research Poster * Poster Size - 36x48 (115.00) * Assurance Proof - No - Print ASAP * Created on - Mac * Total # Poster - 1 Need: Shipping Days Where to Charge What to do when shipment arrivals. ====== UND Poster Printing Steps (Now Requires VPN) ====== * Go to the [[https://campus.und.edu/campus-services/print-mail-center/print-center/online-order-form.html | Online Order Form]]. You'll sign in with your university username and password. * If the above step doesn't work, go to this[[https://campus.und.edu/campus-services/print-mail-center/print-center/online-order-form.html|website]], and then select Copies/Printing. This is just in case the first link doesn't let you access the website directly. * Your poster needs to be a pdf. * Your poster needs to be aligned veritcally * Basically, the printer is 42 inches wide, so make sure your poster is oriented so that it's 42 inches wide. * In powerpoint, the max size of a slide is 56 inches. So, an example poster size would be 42x56 inches. You can also do 56x42, just make sure you rotate the pdf afterwards. As for what to fill out in the order form to make sure you're getting a poster, * In the billing field, * If your department is paying for it, select Departmental * Check with your advisor to get the Fund #, Department #, Stop #, and Project #. * The Fund # is 5 digits * The Department # is 4 digits * The Stop # is 4 digits and is the departments mail stop number. * The Project # might be tricker. For me, it was UND followed by 7 digits. It could be different for you. Your advisor should have included it in the information they sent you and it should hopefully be distinguishable from the other #'s. * In the product specifications field, * For job, select wide format * For paper, select 0x0 wide format * For select color/type, select matte