====== UND Atmospheric Sciences Department Wiki ====== Welcome to the [[https://atmoswiki.azurewebsites.net/| New (2024) Department of Atmospheric Sciences]] knowledge base, a fully searchable collection of documentation information. To be able to create or edit site documents, users must create an account. The site administrator automatically reviews new users account and has to approve them before users are able to modify documents. =====Atmospheric Sciences Curriculum===== ==== Policies ==== {{ :atmos:pre-atsc_policy-2020.docx |}} ==== Student Resources ==== {{:atmos:student_resources.doc|}} ==== New B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences Curriculum ==== This curriculum is in effect for students enrolling Fall 2018 or later. {{:atmos:curriculumfall2019.doc|Curriculum}} ==== Career Paths ==== These are list of different career paths for Atmospheric Science students. {{:atmos:atsc-careerelectivesFall21.doc|Career Paths}} ==== Career Electives ==== These are elective courses for students enrolling Fall 2020 or later. {{ :atmos:atsc-careerelectivesfall21.doc |}} ==== Technical Electives ==== {{:atmos:atsc-techelectivesfall15.doc|Current Technical Electives}} ==== Minor in Computer Science for Atmospheric Sciences Majors ==== {{:atmos:minor_csci.doc|Computer Science Minor}} ==== Material Related to Department Classes ===== * [[.535:home | Atmos 535 - Measurement Systems]] * [[.videos:home | Interesting Videos]] * [[.ATSC: 240 | ATSC: 240 - Pitot Lab]] ===== Information Technology (IT) ===== In addition to the help on the topics listed below, the Aerospace College maintains a [[http://helpdesk.aero.und.edu/|help site]] related to using information technology. * [[.helpdesk|Help with IT Issues]] * [[.howto|How to complete tasks]] * [[.linux:home| Linux]] * [[.printer:home| Printer]] * [[.policy_IT|Policy on Purchase of Network Equipment]] * [[.policy_ITComputers|Policy on Computers within the Department]] * [[.policy_SalesTax|Policy on Sales Tax for University Purchases]] * [[.remoteaccess | Remote Access]] * [[.software:home| Software]] * [[.toolstrade:home | Tools of the Trade]] * [[.posterprinting:home | Poster Printing]] ===== Laboratories ===== * [[.Ballooing:home|Clifford Hall Garage Area - Ballooning lab]] * [[.ch422:home|Clifford Hall 422 - Undergraduate Computer Lab]] * [[.citation:instruments:home:ch423|Clifford Hall 423 - Chemistry and Instrumentation Lab]] * [[.ch601:home|Clifford Hall 601 - 3D-Printing and Radar Lab]] * [[.Meteorological_Observations_Trailer:home|Meteorological Observations Trailer]] * [[.chlabcomputers:home|Clifford Hall Instrument Labs Computer]] ===== Research ===== * [[.researchproposals:home| Aerospace Proposal Writing]] * [[.ordering:home| How to Order Supplies]] * [[.3dprinter:home|3D Printer]] * [[.3d-paws:home|3D PAWS]] * [[.citation:home|Airborne Research]] * [[.articles:home|Articles]] * [[.Camera Images and Ceiling (CIC) database: home|Camera Images and Ceiling (CIC) database]] * [[BlogPosts:home|Blog Posts]] * [[..atmos:cloudmodeling:home|Cloud Modeling]] * [[..atmos:DataCollections:home|Data Collections]] * [[.fieldprojects:home|Field Projects]] * [[.glacialridge:home|Glacialridge Field Site]] * [[.latex:home|LaTeX Template]] * [[.merra:home|MERRA Data]] * [[.northpolradar:home|NorthPol Radar]] * [[.pestiside:home|PestisideAirSampler]] * [[.undergrad:home|Undergraduate Researchers]] * [[.uas:home|Unmanned Aircraft Systems]] * [[.ResearchMeetingNotes:home|Research Meeting Notes]] * [[.tripod:home|Tripod Instrumentation Meteorological Measurements System (TIMMS)]]