====== Electric Field Vector Plots ====== ==== Flight: 20190803_142455 ==== * Flight Legs are consistant with the KMLB NWS WSR-88D volume scan (~5 minutes) * Rview: Composite Reflectivity (dBZ) displayed. Storm cells are defined (outlined in thin blue line) when a given pixel is >30 dBZ. The storm cell outlined in thick light blue line (if apparent) is the storm cell of interest during the flight. The **WHITE** line is the aircraft flight track. The aircraft track contains 5 minutes (300s) of previous flight track information and 0 minutes of future flight track information. Small white extrusion on the flight track line is current flight location which coinsides with the current time displayed on the Rview window. * PYTHON PLOTS: **__STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS! Updated: 2020/08/17__** === Flight Leg: 15:39:44 - 15:44:44 === * Rview Composite Reflectivty with Aircraft flight track information and LROSE-TITAN storm cell identification: {{ :atmos:citation:research:20190803_154444_dbz.gif |}} * X-Y E-Field Vector (∇E) Plot: * County data found here: {{ :atmos:citation:research:countyl010g_shp_nt00964.zip |}}