====== Time Code Generator ====== ===== Battery Change ===== *Time Code generator internal battery was changed on 07/25/13 *Battery is a Lithium Coin 3V Part # CR2430 *Extra Battery is located in the Airport Lab in the Instrument Equipment cabinet in the bin labeled "EXTRA" *Battery change directions: - Disconnect the Comm port, Ant, Power, and Cannon Plug - Remove the four screws on the front plate (four corners) - Slide the front plate straight out !Caution the board it connected to the plate DO NOT BEND! * If unable to pull straight out you may need to remove the Time Code Generator from the research rack. - Replace the battery - Reverse order to reinstall ===== Problem ===== *Time Code generator was outputting data in the wrong time code generator. ===== Cause ====== *Time Code generator was in the wrong time zone. ===== Solution ===== * Need to use a hperterminal client. Interface settings are 19200, 8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. Should receive data every second if connect correctly. You may also need a Null Modem *Send the code: +00 to set a no time zone offset. Check that the time zone offset is correct by sending S. The S (Status) should return "S+00112" The 00 indicates no time zone offset. If the return is "T" the last 6 digits before that lat/long will show the time. Make sure that time is the current UTC time.