====== TDL - Laptop Communications ====== ===== COM 1 Communications (Two-way) ===== * Need laptop with Symantec's PCAnywhere software (Version 9.2 or lower) * Need null modem - Connect laptop to TDL COM 1 port with null modem serial cable - Start PCAnywhere software - Make sure "Remote Control" tab on top toolbar is selected. - Double click on icon "TDL" (or "Direct" if TDL icon is not present) - Set baud rate to 115,200 and the COM port to whatever port using on laptop (leave all other parameters to default values) - Once connected, should see black background screen of TDL computer on laptop screen. - Stop measurement control program by typing in QUIT and then ENTER key or CTRL+C. - After C:\H20> prompt, type AWSEND to start file transfer program. - Select files to be copied from TDL and either drag files to laptop side of window or hit 'Transfer' button. - If deleting files, delete only USmmddyy.nnn, VMmmddyy.nnn, and FILENUM.DAT files. **Leave all others alone!** - Click on 'X' in upper right corner of screen or 'File' then 'Exit' to quit file transfer program. - **Type 'LINELOCK FLIGHT' in command prompt (Must do this step!!)**. - When measurement control program is fully running again, then can disconnect PCAnywhere session and serial cable. ===== COM 2 Communications (One-way) ===== * TDL automatically sends data string out TDL COM 2 serial port * Baud Rate: 9600 * Data Bits: 8 * Parity: None * Stop Bits: 1 * Flow Control: None ===== Direct Connection with Keyboard and Monitor ===== - Find the adapters for the 15-pin VGA cable and the PS/2 keyboard cable. - Open the TDL cover, connect the VGA adapter to the 10-pin connecter on the CPU board (2nd from bottom) and connect the PS/2 adapter to the 4-pin connecter on the CPU board. - Turn on the TDL. Screen should show TDL parameters such as mixing ratio and pressure. {{:atmos:citation:instruments:tdl:tdl_monitor_hookup2_edited.png?800|}} * Picture showing the RS-232 connection to laptop for remote access and file transfer, 15-pin VGA direct moniter connection, and PS/2 direct keyboard connection. {{:atmos:citation:instruments:tdl:tdl_monitor_hookup3_edited.png?800|}} * Picture showing the placement of the monitor and keyboard connections on the TDL CPU board (2nd board from the bottom). ===== Problems Connecting to TDL ===== ==== Problem ==== On April 21st, 2014, the TDL would not communicate with the M300. The instrument was taken off the aircraft, and DOS was not booting on the workbench. After awhile, the TDL started booting, but would not output data along the COM2 serial line. After running for a few minutes, the TDL would give the error "Program error detected: fpe_invalid". ==== Cause ==== For the error message, there was a corrupted file on drive C of the TDL that needed to be fixed. For the serial data out of COM2, ribbon cable from port to motherboard may have been loose. ==== Solution ==== Unconnected and Re-attached ribbon cable from COM2 port to motherboard, started to receive serial data. For the error message, ran ScanDisk from the command line, which found that "1 lost cluster was saved as a file", and corrected the issue. TDL was re-installed into the Citation, booted up fully, and sent serial data to the M300. ==== Problem ==== In April 2014, the TDL would not communicate with laptops via PCAnywhere and at first DOS was not booting. The TDL would still output data along the COM2 serial line. After awhile, the TDL started booting everytime; however, we would get the following after boot. AW /O:H /M:A Bad Command or filename ==== Cause ==== Like error below, the PCAnywhere software on the TDL was not set to be a host and wait for connection or not working because of error. Could not stop the boot using keyboard. Believe the problem is with the Keyboard. ==== Trouble Shooting ==== Need to try a different Keyboard. ==== Solution ==== The Keyboard was not the problem. The problem was that we were using the mouse connector for the keyboard. The 4 pin connector is for the mouse, the 10 pin one with the battery on it is for the keyboard. Was finally able to boot into system and stop program from running. Used "Scandisk" at DOS prompt. Found lots of errors, including bad directory for c:\AW which is were the AnyConnect software is located. After running scan disk the AnyConnect software was erased; however seem like the system started to work. It booted 3 times. ==== Problem ==== In February 2011, the TDL would not communicate with laptops via PCAnywhere. The TDL would still output data along the COM2 serial line. ==== Cause ==== The PCAnywhere software on the TDL was not set to be a host and wait for connection. ==== Solution ==== - Connect a keyboard and monitor directly up the TDL using the TDL cable set. - Quit the LINELOCK FLIGHT program (Ctrl+C) and cd to the C:\AW directory. - Run AW.EXE - Select the option to "run as host" and then the option "wait for connection and exit". - Then restart the TDL. - Connect to the TDL to verify that this fixed the problem.