====== Description and Calibrations ====== ===== Honeywell Pressure Transducer (SN 79921) ===== * Description: Pitot (differential pressure) * Manufacturer: Honeywell * Model Number: PPT2-0002DKKSVS-F * Serial Number: 79921 * ID Number: 01 * Software Version Number: * Calibration: January 22, 2014 - Slope: Offset: * Instrument Customized Adjustment Parameters: X=0, Y=0, Z=0, F=0 * Serial Interface: 9600 Baud Rate, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits, None for Parity, Attach Line Feed, Flow Control None (important), Local Echo On. ==== 2015/06/05 Calibration ==== * Accepted error: ±0.075 (from factory calibration sheet) * Observed maximum digital error: -0.033 (from factory calibration sheet) * Calculated error: -0.04278 (averaged over 120 seconds) * Error calculated from standard pressure comparisons taken at 0.1 PSI increments between 0.1 PSI and 0.9 PSI ===== Honeywell Pressure Transducer (SN 80857) ===== * Description: Beta/side slip angle (differential pressure) * Manufacturer: Honeywell * Model Number: PPT2-0001DKK2VS-F * Serial Number: 80857 * ID Number: 02 * Software Version Number: * Calibration: April 04, 2014 - Slope: Offset: * Instrument Customized Adjustment Parameters: X=0, Y=0, Z=0, F=0 * Serial Interface: 9600 Baud Rate, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits, None for Parity, Attach Line Feed, Flow Control None (important), Local Echo On. ==== 2015/06/05 Calibration ==== * Accepted error: ±0.075 (from factory calibration sheet) * Observed maximum digital error: 0.067 (from factory calibration sheet) * Calculated error: -0.03472 (averaged over 120 seconds) * Error calculated from standard pressure comparisons taken at 0.1 PSI increments between 0.1 PSI and 0.9 PSI ===== Honeywell Pressure Transducer (SN 81483) ===== * Description: Attack angle (differential pressure) * Manufacturer: Honeywell * Model Number: PPT2-0001DKK2VS * Serial Number: 81483 * ID Number: 03 * Software Version Number: * Calibration: April 21, 2014 - Slope: Offset: * Instrument Customized Adjustment Parameters: X=0, Y=0, Z=0, F=0 * Serial Interface: 9600 Baud Rate, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits, None for Parity, Attach Line Feed, Flow Control None (important), Local Echo On. ==== 2015/06/05 Calibration ==== * Accepted error: ±0.075 (from factory calibration sheet) * Observed maximum digital error: -0.049 (from factory calibration sheet) * Calculated error: 0.03 (averaged over 120 seconds) * Error calculated from standard pressure comparisons taken at 0.1 PSI increments between 0.1 PSI and 0.9 PSI ===== Honeywell Pressure Transducer (SN 53166) ===== * Description: Nose boom (static pressure) * Manufacturer: Honeywell * Model Number: PPT0015AXN2VA * Serial Number: 53166 * ID Number: 04 * Software Version Number: 2.4C5S2V (April 12, 2014) * Calibration: April 20, 2010 - Slope: 205.199 Offset: - 0.1358 * Instrument Customized Adjustment Parameters: X=0, Y=0, Z=0, F=0 (April 12, 2014) * Serial Interface: 9600 Baud Rate, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits, None for Parity, Attach Line Feed, Flow Control None (important), Local Echo On. ==== 2015/06/05 Calibration ==== * Accepted error: ±0.1 (from factory calibration sheet) * Observed maximum digital error: -0.033 (from factory calibration sheet) * Calculated error: -0.06111 (averaged over 120 seconds) * Error calculated from standard pressure comparisons taken at 9 intervals between 2.5 PSI and 14 PSI ====Serial Command==== The first two digits are the **ID Number** of the transducer! * Stop Continuous output: $ * Continuous Pressure: *00P2 - Continuously output pressure readings. * Store Parameters in EEPROM: *00WE - Enable storage, this needs to be set before setting parameters to save, ie using *00I=R25 or *00M0=P2 * Integration Time: *00I=R25 - Set output rate to 25 readings/second * Power-Up Mode: *00MO=P2 - Set startup to continuously output pressure readings. * Store all settings in EEPROM: *00SP=ALL - Store current values. ===== Validyne Pressure Transducer (SN 24685)===== * Description: Pressure transducer used for Nose Boom attack angle measurement. * Manufacturer: Validyne * Model Number: P40D 1-N-1-B-26-W-5 * Serial Number: 24685 * Calibration: Feb. 11, 2010 - Slope: 6.91 Offset: 0.16 * Typically used as the Beta Angle transducer, the 26 in the model number indicates a 0-0.5 PSI range. ===== Validyne Pressure Transducer (SN 75876)===== * Description: Pressure transducer used for Nose Boom side slip angle measurement. * Manufacturer: Validyne * Model Number: P40D 1-N-1-B-26-W-5 * Serial Number: 75876 * Calibration: Feb. 8, 2010 - Slope: 6.91 Offset: -0.40 * Typically used as the Beta Angle transducer, the 26 in the model number indicates a 0-0.5 PSI range. ===== Validyne Pressure Transducer (SN 105151) ===== * Description: Pressure transducer used for Wing pitot air speed measurement. * Manufacturer: Validyne * Model Number: * Serial Number: 105151 * Calibration: November 5, 2010 - Slope: 87.0381 Offset: 216.2293 ===== Rosemount Pressure Transducer (SN 308) ===== * Description: Pressure transducer used for Nose Boom dynamic pressure measurement. * Manufacturer: Rosemount * Model Number: F2AF7B1B * Serial Number: 308 * Pressure Range: 0.0 - 2.5 PSI * Voltage Range: 0-10 Volts * Calibration: Feb. 8, 2010 - Slope: 17.3 Offset: -1.44 * Re-wired connector to transducer. Verified voltage at the A/D board to see its working. All o.k. October 7, 2010 ===== Rosemount Pressure Transducer (SN ) ===== * Description: Pressure transducer used for Nose Boom static ring. * Manufacturer: Rosemount * Model Number: 1201F-2A14B1A * Serial Number: * Pressure Range: * Voltage Range: 0-10 Volts * Calibration: January 29, 2010 - Slope: 207.08 Offset: 0.71 ====== Notes ====== ===== Honeywell Transducers ===== Since the Honeywell transducers output data as pressure (in PSI) and not in voltages, a calibration constant is not needed. The conversion factor is 1 PSI = 68.9475728 hPa ====== Problems ====== ===== Wing Transducer during MPACE Field Project ===== ==== Date ==== September 30, 2004: MPACE Field Project ==== Problem ==== Wing mounted pressure transducer is cutting out during flights. This was a problem on several of the Spring 2004 Sikorsky flights. The new Validyne pressure transducer was returned to the company but they could find no problems. The older pressure transducer was used after the Sikorsky project but during the September 30, 2004 CitationFieldprojectMPACE flight same problem. ==== Cause ==== May be a short in the wiring or something wrong with the A/D board. ==== Solution ==== The pitot wing pressure measurement was moved from analog channel 4 to analog channel 0 on October 11, 2004. *Update December 15, 2004 Update: Since moving the pitot wing pressure measurement from analog channel 4 to analog channel 0 there has been no problems with the pitot wing measurements. All the L3Com flights had no problem with the pitot wing measurement. ==== Problem ==== During the CAPE2015 Project:Receiving data at 25 Hz; however, the post-processing is getting a lot of corruption of the string. The wind processing software needs to be updated to use the digital data streams. ==== Solution ==== ==== Problem ==== For the next project during Fall 2015, we need to figure out if we can have sufficient 28 v power for new UTC pressure transducer.