====== L3Com ====== The EG&G instrument did not work for the MPACE project so the mirror was replaced and the electronic repaire before the start of the L3Com. During the L3Com project spikes were noticed in serveral flights. See plots below. EG&G dewpoint temperature is plotted in black and air temperature in red. {{dept:atmos:citation:instruments:eg_g:l3com:04_11_28_dewpoint.png}} {{dept:atmos:citation:instruments:eg_g:l3com:04_11_29_dewpoint.png}} {{dept:atmos:citation:instruments:eg_g:l3com:04_12_01_dewpoint.png}} Plot of the EG&G analog voltage for a out of cloud case is given below. {{dept:atmos:citation:instruments:eg_g:l3com:04_11_28_egg_analog.png}} Plot of the EG&G analog voltage for an in cloud case is given below. {{dept:atmos:citation:instruments:eg_g:l3com:04_12_01_egg_voltage.png}} EG&G spike problem continued during the Sikorsky2 field problem. See plot from the January 26, 2005 flight. {{dept:atmos:citation:instruments:eg_g:l3com:05_01_26_18_05_51.egg_analog.png}} A course adjust of the instrument was performed on the January 25, 2005 flight which did not solve the problem. Maybe a power spike going to the instrument. Will try to use a different power bar to supply power to the EG&G meter.