====== Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP) ====== *Description: Cloud Droplet Probe *Manufacturer: Droplet Measurement Technologies *Model: CDP2 *Serial Number: 0901-48 *Weight (UND has short version): 3.5 lb * (Newer long version): 3.0 lb *Size (UND has short version): 8.5" (long), 6.0" (wide), 4.5" (height) * Long (larger version) 10.5" (long), 6.0" (wide), 8.5" (height) *UND Major Equipment Property Tag Number: 105883 *[[atmos:citation:instruments:cdp:cdp_instrument_log|CDP Instrument Log]] ===== Cloud Droplet Probe Pelican Box Contents ===== As of 5/16/2021: * Cloud Droplet Probe (SN: 0901-48) * Electronics Box (SN: 0901-048) * Control Board (ABD-0234) * CDP Probe to Electronics Box Cable (New) * CDP Probe to Electronics Box Cable (Old) * CDP Control Box Mounting Plate Hardware * Electronics Box to Data Acquisition Cable * RS422- M300 Converter Cable * Adapter Plate with Screws * Test Cable with Gender Changer * P4 Cable End and Cap (Within a bag) * Screws and Miscellaneous Equipment (Within a bag) ===== DMT Calibration Files ===== * {{:atmos:citation:instruments:cdp:cloudDropletProbe_Calibration_090301.pdf|March 1, 2009}} * {{:atmos:citation:instruments:cdp:clouddropletprobe_calibration_091216.pdf|December 16, 2009}} * Firmware: 169D installed * {{:atmos:citation:instruments:cdp:clouddropletprobe_calibration_110214.pdf|February 14, 2011}} * Sealed Windows,tuned laser heater to 25 C, installed PBP-Dynamic Threshold Firmware - Corrected 72 Board loading, installed 80 um pinhole. The serial interface was set to RS422. * Spreadsheet of bead performance check results is located in the /nas_remote/PerformanceChecks/CloudDropletProbe directory. ===== Laptop Connection Configuration and Software ===== * RS-422 * Baud Rate: 57600 Citation wiring is configured to directly connect to laptop using RS422 to RS232 converter. If a 422 to USB converter is used then an adaptor is necessary. Furthermore, an adaptor is needed to connect to the M300 Serial box. The DMT PADS 3 software can be used to connect and test the CDP. When installing the PADS 3 software it is important to copy the CDP directory to C:/Program Files/PADS 3. The PADS 3 software is locate at /nas/Instrumentation/CloudDropletProbe/Software. ===== Problems and Solutions ===== *[[atmos:citation:instruments:cdp:cdp_problems_solutions|CDP Problems and Solutions]]