====== Saving Images on Deeplens ====== - The shell script /home/aws_cam/1-convert.sh is saving images from the Deeplens camera: * To save images every 10 minute use command “nohup ffmpeg -i /opt/awscam/out/ch1_out.h264 -r 1/600 -f image2 img%3d.jpg>t.out&” * To save images every minute use command “nohup ffmpeg -i /opt/awscam/out/ch1_out.h264 -r 1/60 -f image2 img%3d.jpg>t.out&” * To save images every second change use command "nohup ffmpeg -i /opt/awscam/out/ch1_out.h264 -r 1/60-f image2 img%3d.jpg>t.out& - The shell script /home/aws_cam/1-convert.sh is running automatically on boot using the crontab command: * @reboot /home/aws_cam/1-convert.sh - The shell script /home/aws_cam/2-date-trans.sh is adding timestamps to the saved images from the Deeplens Camera and is transferring them to AWS-EC2 instance. - The shell script /home/aws_cam/2-date-trans.sh is running automatically using Crontab. - Crontab lines to save and transfer images every minute: * * * * * * /home/aws_cam/2-date-trans.sh * @reboot/home/aws_cam/1-convert.sh" [[http://wiki.atmos.und.edu/doku.php?id=atmos:citation:instruments:aws_deeplens:home|DeepLens Page]]