====== 2DS Cleaning ====== ===== Exterior Optics Windows ===== * From Sara Lance at SPEC Inc. * Materials needed: * Several regular cotton swab * Methanol - Wet a cotton swab completely with methanol. Gently wipe the entire optics window. - Partially wet a second cotton swab with methanol. Gently wipe the entire optics window and dab away any excess methanol remaining on the optics window. - Repeat for all the optics windows. ===== Interior Optics Mirrors and Windows ===== * From Sara Lance at SPEC Inc. * This can be done to help reduce noise on the 2DS if the noise is not due to dirty exterior optic windows. * Materials Needed: A can of compressed air. * Desiccant Packs, 5 g, 2.25 by 1.0 inch. - Take the 2DS out of the PMS can and put it onto a probe cradle. - Gently spray compressed air over all of the interior mirrors and windows located in the probe body. There are three sets of mirrors and windows: * Windows located where the probe arms meet the probe body. * Mirrors located above the photodiode array. * Mirrors located near the middle vertical support plate. - Carefully rotate the probe 180 degrees and clean all three sets of optics windows on that side of the probe. {{:atmos:citation:instruments:2ds:2ds_internal_optics_cleaning.png?800|}} UND graduate student Andrea Neumann cleaning the internal 2DS optics using a can of compressed air. The green arrows denote the approximate locations of the three sets of internal optics. ===== 2DS Interior Desiccant ===== * To help remove residual water vapor within the 2DS can, desiccant packets are affixed to the interior probe braces. * The desiccant packets are attached using cable ties and should be marked with the date of installation. * The cable ties should be tight enough to ensure the desiccant packet does not slide around, but not tight enough to cause the desiccant packet to break open. * The packets should be changed on a regular basis, once every week or two when on field projects. {{:atmos:citation:instruments:2ds:p1060149.jpg?800|}} An example of a desiccant packet affixed to an interior probe brace.